Quotes of Refutation - somelinesforyou

“ I write to keep from going mad from the contradictions I find among mankind — and to work some of those contradictions out for myself. ”

- Michel Eyquem de Montaigne

“ Habit is the denial of creativity and the negation of freedom; a self-imposed straitjacket of which the wearer is unaware. ”

- Arthur Koestler

“ Denial ain't just a river in Egypt. ”

- Mark Twain

“ Flight is intolerable contradiction. ”

- Muriel Rukeyser

“ Beware of allowing a tactless word, rebuttal, a rejection to obliterate the whole sky. ”

- Anais Nin

“ Sinners are made up of contradictions: contradictions to truth and reason, to God, to themselves, and to one another. ”

- Benjamin Whichcote

“ Woman's at best a contradiction still. ”

- Alexander Pope

“ Oblivious. In denial. Dangerous. ”

- Nancy Pelosi

“ I think people have to choose between living with contradictions or painting themselves into a corner. I have a lot of contradictions. ”

- Michelle Shocked

“ I write plays because writing dialogue is the only respectable way of contradicting yourself. I'm the kind of person who embarks on an endless leapfrog down the great moral issues. I put a position, rebut it, refute the rebuttal, and rebut the refutation. ”

- Tom Stoppard
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