Quotes of Ribbon - somelinesforyou

“ The biggest obstacle to professional writing is the necessity for changing a typewriter ribbon. ”

- Robert Benchley

“ Poverty was an ornament on a learned man like a red ribbon on a white horse. ”

- Anzia Yezierska

“ He sometimes ran a purple ribbon through his typewriter and gushed where he should have dammed. ”

- T. E. Kalem

“ Your idea of bliss is to wake up on a Monday morning knowing you haven't a single engagement for the entire week. You are cradled in a white paper cocoon tied up with typewriter ribbon. ”

- Edna Ferber

“ Hard-working Americans will see through this President's effort to wrap his radical agenda with a compassionate ribbon. ”

- Howard Dean

“ Yes, sir. I'm a real Southern boy. I got a red neck, white socks, and Blue Ribbon beer. ”

- Billy Carter

“ A soldier will fight long and hard for a bit of colored ribbon. ”

- Napoleon Bonaparte

“ Persian pussy from over the sea demure and lazy and smug and fat none of your ribbons and bells for me ours is the zest of the alley cat. ”

- Don Marquis

“ My work is magnified by the fact that the streets of heaven are too crowded with angels — we know their names, they number a thousand for each red ribbon we wear here tonight. ”

- Tom Hanks

“ Having given us the package, do you think God will deny us the ribbon? ”

- Oswald C. Hoffman

“ Each day comes bearing its own gifts. Untie the ribbons. ”

- Ruth Ann Schabacker

“ Men will fight long and hard for a bit of colored ribbon. ”

- Napoleon Bonaparte

“ The State of the Union may look rosy from the White House balcony or the suites of George Bush's wealthiest donors. But hardworking Americans will see through this president's efforts to wrap his radical agenda with a compassionate ribbon. ”

- Howard Dean

“ Writing is simple. First you have to make sure you have plenty of paper… sharp pencils… typewriter ribbon. Then put your belly up to your desk… roll a sheet of paper into the typewriter… and stare at it until beads of blood appear on your forehead. ”

- Unknown

“ It is impossible for a stranger traveling through the United States to tell from the appearance of the people or the country whether he is in Toledo, Ohio, or Portland, Oregon. Ninety million Americans cut their hair in the same way, eat each morning exactly the same breakfast, tie up the small girls curls with precisely the same kind of ribbon fashioned into bows exactly alike; and in every way all try to look and act as much like all the others as they can. ”

- Lord Northcliffe
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