Quotes of Slant - somelinesforyou

“ I'll lean on you and you lean on me and we'll be okay. ”

- Matthew

“ He's always given me trouble. Mike has so many arm angles and he knows how to spot his pitches. He can set you up with that change-up and then throw a fastball right by you. ”

- Johnny Damon

“ There's a certain Slant of light, Winter Afternoons — That oppresses, like the Heft Of Cathedral Tunes — . ”

- Emily Dickinson

“ The six colours, including the white background, represent the colours of all the world's flags… this is a true international emblem. ”

- Pierre de Coubertin

“ Plato, to incline to Christianity. ”

- Blaise Pascal

“ If you can get an out on one pitch, take it. Let the strikeouts come on the outstanding pitches. Winning is the big thing. If you throw a lot of pitches, before you know it, your arm is gone. ”

- Dwight Gooden

“ I'll lean on you and you lean on me and we'll be okay. ”

- Matthew

“ Satire's my weapon, but I'm too discreet To run amuck, and tilt at all I meet. ”

- Alexander Pope

“ Tilt this country on end and everything loose will slide into Los Angeles. ”

- Will Rogers

“ Dark as pitch. ”

- John Bunyan

“ A colour is a physical object as soon as we consider its dependence, for instance, upon its luminous source, upon other colours, upon temperatures, upon spaces, and so forth. ”

- Ernst Mach

“ When you realize how perfect everything is you will tilt your head back and laugh at the sky. ”

- Buddha

“ A little skill in antiquity inclines a man to Popery. ”

- Thomas Fuller

“ The nose of the bulldog has been slanted backwards so that he can breathe without letting go. ”

- Winston Churchill

“ Tell the truth, but tell it slant. ”

- Emily Dickinson
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