Quotes of Stoop - somelinesforyou

“ Why comes temptation, but for man to meet and master and crouch beneath his foot, and so be pedestaled in triumph? ”

- Robert Browning

“ To keep your character intact you cannot stoop to filthy acts. It makes it easier to stoop the next time. ”

- Katharine Hepburn

“ If your knees are knocking, kneel on them. ”

- Unknown

“ All of us knew the brownstone stoops in a Warner Brothers movie as well as we knew our own front porches. ”

- Vincent Canby

“ I'm not a particularly attractive person - 5ft 8in, stooping, with a receding hairline. ”

- Moby

“ Art is a she-devil of a mistress, and if at times in earlier days she would not even stoop to my way of thinking, I have persevered and will so continue. ”

- Frederic Remington

“ If your knees are knocking, kneel on them. ”

- Unknown

“ When lovely woman stoops to folly, and finds too late that men betray, what charm can soothe her melancholy, what art can wash her guilt away? ”

- Oliver Goldsmith

“ They that crouch to those who are above them, always trample on those who are below them. ”

- George Earle Buckle

“ I want to go south, where there is no autumn, where the cold doesn't crouch over one like a snow leopard waiting to pounce. ”

- D. H. Lawrence

“ Let the beauty you love be what you do. There are a thousand ways to kneel and kiss the earth. ”

- Rumi

“ Take away leisure and Cupid's bow is broken. ”

- Ovid

“ When I look back at the 1980s I pinch myself. Did I really do all that? ”

- Cynthia Payne

“ When I look back at the way that I was in that documentary I cringe. ”

- Benjamin Cohen

“ When people are lonely they stoop to any companionship. ”

- Lew Wallace

“ Stoop and you'll be stepped on; stand tall and you'll be shot at. ”

- Carlos A. Urbizo

“ We rise by raising others — and he who stoops above the fallen, stands erect. ”

- Robert Green Ingersoll

“ There is a loftier ambition than merely to stand high in the world. It is to stoop down and lift mankind a little higher. ”

- Henry Van Dyke

“ The betrothed and accepted lover has lost the wildest charms of his maiden by her acceptance. She was heaven while he pursued her, but she cannot be heaven if she stoops to one such as he! ”

- Ralph Waldo Emerson

“ My reason is not framed to bend or stoop: my knees are. ”

- Michel Eyquem de Montaigne

“ If God calls you to be a missionary, don't stoop to be a king. ”

- Jordan Grooms

“ A lonely man is a lonesome thing, a stone, a bone, a stick, a receptacle for Gilbey's gin, a stooped figure sitting at the edge of a hotel bed, heaving copious sighs like the autumn wind. ”

- John Cheever

“ Wisdom is oftimes nearer when we stoop than when we soar. ”

- William Wordsworth

“ You know you're getting old when you stoop to tie your shoelaces and wonder what else you could do while you're down there. ”

- George Burns

“ I have thought too much to stoop to action. ”

- Adam De L’Isle

“ The cat could very well be man's best friend but would never stoop to admitting it. ”

- Doug Larson

“ You ought to be true for the sake of the folks who think you are true. You never should stoop to a deed that your folks think you would not do. If you are false to yourself, be the blemish but small, you have injured your folks; you have been false to them all. ”

- Edgar A. Guest

“ A friend called me up the other day and talked about investing in a dot-com that sells lobsters. Internet lobsters. Where will this end? The next day he sent me a huge package of lobsters on ice. How low can you stoop? ”

- Donald Trump

“ The aim of life is some way of living, as flexible and gentle as human nature; so that ambition may stoop to kindness, and philosophy to candor and humor. Neither prosperity nor empire nor heaven can be worth winning at the price of a virulent temper, bloody hands, an anguished spirit, and a vain hatred of the rest of the world. ”

- George Santayana

“ Jealousy is indeed a poor medium to secure love, but it is a secure medium to destroy one's self-respect. For jealous people, like dope-fiends, stoop to the lowest level and in the end inspire only disgust and loathing. ”

- Emma Goldman
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