“ During my eighty-seven years I have witnessed a whole succession of technological revolutions. But none of them has done away with the need for character in the individual or the ability to think. ”
- Bernard Baruch- Copy
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“ Despite our high rate of unemployment, 300,000 jobs go unfilled largely because many of the unemployed lack the skills needed today as a result of technological progress. ”
- Kim Campbell- Copy
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“ Technological progress is like an axe in the hands of a pathological criminal. ”
- Albert Einstein- Copy
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“ The world we are striving for must be a civilized one in which all nations enjoy the same benefits of the scientific and technological revolution. ”
- Tran Duc Luong- Copy
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“ Innumerable confusions and a feeling of despair invariably emerge in periods of great technological and cultural transition. ”
- Marshall McLuhan- Copy
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“ We're going to suffer a year of technological disruptions, followed by a decade of depression. ”
- Ed Yourdan- Copy
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“ I asked a ref if he could give me a technical foul for thinking bad things about him. He said, of course not. I said, well, I think you stink. And he gave me a technical. You can't trust em. ”
- Jim Valvano- Copy
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“ Men are only as good as their technical development allows them to be. ”
- George Orwell- Copy
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“ Most of the time spent wrestling with technologies that don't quite work yet is just not worth it for end users, however much fun it is for nerds. ”
- Douglas Adams- Copy
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“ The drive toward complex technical achievement offers a clue to why the U.S. is good at space gadgetry and bad at slum problems. ”
- John Kenneth Galbraith- Copy
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“ Technological progress has merely provided us with more efficient means for going backwards. ”
- Aldous Huxley- Copy
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“ A lot of what appears to be progress is just so much technological rococo. ”
- Bill Grey- Copy
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“ Deep down, the US, with its space, its technological refinement, its bluff good conscience, even in those spaces which it opens up for simulation, is the only remaining primitive society. ”
- Jean Baudrillard- Copy
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“ During my eighty-seven years, I have witnessed a whole succession of technological revolutions. But none of them has done away with the need for character in the individual or the ability to think. ”
- Bernard Baruch- Copy
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“ For tribal man space was the uncontrollable mystery. For technological man it is time that occupies the same role. ”
- Marshall McLuhan- Copy
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“ If there is technological advance without social advance, there is, almost automatically, an increase in human misery, in impoverishment. ”
- Michael Harrington- Copy
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“ Our lifetime may be the last that will be lived out in a technological society. ”
- Arthur C. Clarke- Copy
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“ Quotes from Mao, Castro, and Che Guevara… are as germane to our highly technological, computerized society as a stagecoach on a jet runway at Kennedy airport. ”
- Saul Alinsky- Copy
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“ We will try to create conditions where persons could come together in a spirit of teamwork, and exercise to their heart's desire their technological capacity. ”
- Akio Morita- Copy
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“ You live in a deranged age, more deranged that usual, because in spite of great scientific and technological advances, man has not the faintest idea of who he is or what he is doing. ”
- Walker Percy- Copy
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“ Our life is half natural and half technological. Half-and-half is good. You cannot deny that high-tech is progress. We need it for jobs. Yet if you make only high-tech, you make war. So we must have a strong human element to keep modesty and natural life. ”
- Nam June Paik- Copy
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“ Most of the images of reality on which we base our actions are really based on vicarious experience. This has increased with the tremendous technological advances in communications. We have a vast new world of images brought into our sitting-rooms electronically. ”
- Albert Bandura- Copy
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“ I myself believe that there will one day be time travel because when we find that something isn't forbidden by the over-arching laws of physics we usually eventually find a technological way of doing it. ”
- David Deutsch- Copy
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“ It's one of the terrible ironies of modern times - and a sobering caution - that extermination of physically healthy, able-bodied men, women and children was done by the state not in the backward provinces of a backwater satrapy, but in Germany, one of the most civilized and technologically advanced socieities in the world. ”
- Suzanne Fields- Copy
- 3.4K
“ I compare the current era to the industrial revolution. Over a few generations, unevenly but still irresistibly and with great pain, the technological leap from traditional agricultural society brought profound transformations in every aspect of life, not only economic and political but social, cultural and moral. ”
- Flora Lewis- Copy
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“ It's certainly more than a technological activity, although we instrument designers certainly use electronic technology as a design tool. But I wouldn't call it an artistic activity. We're toolmakers. Making tools is a craft, maybe even a high craft. I'd say that we are craftsmen rather than artists. ”
- Robert Moog- Copy
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“ We must prepare young people for a brain-centered economy whose one constant is rapid change. The predominant classroom model a single teacher lecturing to 20, 30, or even more students reflects the production-line model of the Industrial Age, not the technological demands of our Information Age. ”
- Janet Napolitano- Copy
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“ The open society, the unrestricted access to knowledge, the unplanned and uninhibited association of men for its furtherance - these are what may make a vast, complex, ever growing, ever changing, ever more specialized and expert technological world, nevertheless a world of human community. ”
- J. Robert Oppenheimer- Copy
- 2.6K
“ Today's newest breed of employee is the self-manager. These workers are the ones who survived the recent waves of downsizing, both by seeking and capitalizing on new opportunities and by learning new skills. Because these employees increasingly possess the skills and technological tools to supervise themselves - individually or in teams - they are eliminating the need for layers of management… ”
- John Cahllenger- Copy
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