“ Perfect valor is to do without any witnesses what one would do before the entire world. ”
- Francois De La Rochefoucauld- Copy
“ Valor is of no service, chance rules all, and the bravest often fall by the hands of cowards. ”
- Publius Cornelius Tacitus- Copy
“ The charm of the best courages is that they are inventions, inspirations, flashes of genius. ”
- Ralph Waldo Emerson- Copy
“ It is a brave act of valor to condemn death, but where life is more terrible than death it is then the truest valor to dare to live. ”
- Sir Thomas Brown- Copy
“ The better part of valor is discretion, in the which better part I have saved my life. ”
- William Shakespeare- Copy
“ Where life is more terrible than death, it is then the truest valor to dare to live. ”
- Thomas Browne- Copy
“ Honorable retreats are no ways inferior to brave charges, as having less fortune, more of discipline, and as much valor. ”
- Major General Sir William Napier- Copy
“ It is a base thing to look to others for your defense instead of depending upon yourself. That defense alone is effectual, sure, and durable which depends upon yourself and your own valor. ”
- Niccolo Machiavelli- Copy
“ Even against the greatest of odds, there is something in the human spirit- a magic blend of skill, faith, and valor- that can lift men from certain defeat to incredible victory. ”
- Walter Lord- Copy
“ It is a brave act to despise death; but where life is more terrible than death, it is then the truest valor to dare to live. ”
- Sir Thomas Browne- Copy
“ Real valor consists not in being insensible to danger; but in being prompt to confront and disarm it. ”
- Sir Walter Scott- Copy
“ As the Sandwich Islander believes that the strength and valor of the enemy he kills passes into himself, so we gain the strength of the temptation we resist. ”
- Ralph Waldo Emerson- Copy
“ Conquest is the missionary of valor, and the hard impact of military virtues beats meanness out of the world. ”
- Walter Bagehot- Copy
“ I told you, sir, they were red-hot with drinking; so full of valor that they smote the air, for breathing in their faces, beat the ground for kissing of their feet. ”
- William Shakespeare- Copy
“ Manhood is melted into courtesies, valor into compliment, and men are only turned into tongue, and trim ones, too. ”
- William Shakespeare- Copy
“ My valor is certainly going, it is sneaking off! I feel it oozing out as it were, at the palms of my hands! ”
- Richard Brinsley Sheridan- Copy
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