Quotes of Virtuoso - somelinesforyou

“ Bad artists copy. Good artists steal. ”

- Pablo Picasso

“ We're not cameras, we're artists. ”

- Frank Bruno

“ If I were not a physicist, I would probably be a musician. I often think in music. I live my daydreams in music. I see my life in terms of music.... I get most joy in life out of music. ”

- Albert Einstein

“ A sculptor is a person who is interested in the shape of things, a poet in words, a musician by sounds. ”

- Henry Moore

“ A musician must make music, an artist must paint, a poet must write, if he is to be ultimately at peace with himself. What one can be, one must be. ”

- Abraham Maslow

“ The artist doesn't see things as they are, but as he is. ”

- Unknown

“ The artist doesn't see things as they are, but as he is. ”

- Unknown

“ What gives him the right to do that?... I ask myself if musicians should conduct themselves like politicians. They are only musicians. Where do they get the right to talk like that? ”

- Eric Clapton

“ The immature artist imitates. Mature artists steal. ”

- Lionel Trilling

“ Subjective artists are one-eyed, but objective artists are blind. ”

- Georges Rouault

“ A lot of my friends are artists or musicians or single parent families and I'm totally aware of how difficult it is for them to make ends meet. ”

- Shirley Manson

“ I don't really have a price tag. We should debate on how to use the surplus and not just rush to spend it. ”

- Lincoln Chafee

“ I don't really have a favourite artist. ”

- Roger Moore

“ I've dated the sweet mama's boy, the musician rocker, the struggling artist - basically a lot of people without jobs. ”

- Alyssa Milano

“ Since music has never had a Rembrandt, we have remained nothing more than musicians. ”

- Morton Feldman

“ Being a musician is what I do, but it's not what I am. ”

- Herbie Hancock

“ I went through all the musicians in my life who I admire as bright, intelligent, virtuosic players. ”

- David Bowie

“ It doesn't upset artists to find out that artists used lenses or mirrors or other aids, but it certainly does upset the art historians. ”

- Chuck Close

“ The best artist has that thought alone Which is contained within the marble shell; The sculptor's hand can only break the spell To free the figures slumbering in the stone. ”

- Michelangelo

“ Fundamentally I feel that there is as much difference between the stage and the films as between a piano and a violin. Normally you can't become a virtuoso in both. ”

- Ethel Barrymore

“ I decided years ago that I wasn't interested in being a virtuoso of the piano. ”

- Herbie Hancock

“ The piano's world encompasses glass-nerved virtuosi and stomping barrel-housers in fedoras; it is a world of pasture and storm, of perfumed smoke, of liquid mathematics. ”

- Kenneth Miller

“ When a pianist sits down and does a virtuoso performance he is in a technical sense transmitting more information to a machine than any other human activity involving machinery allows. ”

- Robert Moog

“ I love power. But it is as an artist that I love it. I love it as a musician loves his violin, to draw out its sounds and chords and harmonies. ”

- Napoleon Bonaparte

“ Immature artists imitate. Mature artists steal. ”

- Lionel Trilling

“ Artists must be sacrificed to their art. ”

- Ralph Waldo Emerson

“ Give me a museum, and I'll fill it. ”

- Pablo Picasso

“ A musician must make music, an artist must paint, a poet must write, if he is to be ultimately at peace with himself. What a man can be, he must be. ”

- Abraham Maslow

“ Artists are the antennae of the race, but the bullet-headed many will never learn to trust the great artists. ”

- Ezra

“ If artists and poets are unhappy, it is after all because happiness does not interest them. ”

- George Santayana
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