Quotes of Wig - somelinesforyou

“ I feel like I could be likened to an old hound circling on a rug for the last five years. ”

- Neil Young

“ She was dressed in a peignoir of beige lace with a blonde wig above false eyelashes-a kind of Mt Rushmore of the cosmetician's art. ”

- Dwight Whitney

“ I always felt like the rug could be pulled out from under me at anytime. And coming from a racially mixed background, I always felt like I didn't really fit in anywhere. ”

- Mariah Carey

“ Spencer's god was Evolution, sometimes also called Progress. ”

- Talcott Parsons

“ This movie is a toupee made up to look like honest baldness. ”

- Pauline Kael

“ I was studying acting in New York, and wasn't being hired by anyone to do anything other than to work in an Oriental rug warehouse. ”

- Thomas Wilson

“ His toupee makes him look twenty years sillier. ”

- Bill Dana

“ Christmas won't be Christmas without any presents," grumbled Jo, lying on the rug. ”

- Louisa May Alcott

“ I think of an author as somebody who goes into the marketplace and puts down his rug and says, "I will tell you a story," and then he passes the hat. ”

- Robertson Davies

“ This is my natural hair color. I'm usually blonder but not that blond. That was a wig actually because I didn't want to make my hair blond. I have long hair but it's not that thick. ”

- Sofia Vergara

“ I had a total of 38 wigs, for a start. There were prosthetics, too - silicone pieces which go on the skin, which absorb the light. They looked like seven pieces of uncooked veal to start with. ”

- Geoffrey Rush

“ She had seemed good for a while, had done the chemo, had gotten the wigs, and then her hair had grown back-darker, more brittle. ”

- Dave Eggers

“ A wartime Minister of Information is compelled, in the national interest, to such continuous acts of duplicity that even his natural hair must grow to resemble a wig. ”

- Claud Cockburn

“ I love to come in and play with a wig or glasses or clothes. I love using props. I'm from the Peter Sellers school of trying to prepare for the character. ”

- Dan Aykroyd

“ Men will confess to treason, murder, arson, false teeth, or a wig. How many of them will own up to a lack of humor? ”

- Frank Moore Colby
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