Quotes of Yard - somelinesforyou

“ Now would I give a thousand furlongs of sea for an acre of barren land; long heath, broth furze, any thing. ”

- J.R.R. Tolkien

“ Happiness lies in our own backyard, but it's probably well hidden by crabgrass. ”

- Unknown

“ If "everybody knows" such-and-such, then it ain't so, by at least ten thousand to one. ”

- Robert Anson Heinlein

“ Now would I give a thousand furlongs of sea for an acre of barren ground. - The Tempest. Act i. Sc. 1. ”

- William Shakespeare

“ Morality, thou deadly bane,Thy tens o' thousands thou has slain! ”

- Robert Burns

“ I want to build a studio in my backyard. The interest rates are low now, so who knows. ”

- Paul Taylor

“ Do not quit! Hundreds of times I have watched people throw in the towel at the one-yard line while someone else comes along and makes a fortune by just going that extra yard. ”

- E. Joseph Cossman

“ Yard by yard, it's very hard. But inch by inch, it's a cinch. ”

- Unknown

“ There is hardly an American male of my generation who has not at one time or another tried to master the victory cry of the great ape as it issued from the androgynous chest of Johnny Weissmuller, to the accompaniment of thousands of arms and legs snapping during attempts to swing from tree to tree in the backyards of the Republic. ”

- Gore Vidal

“ O, thou art fairer than the evening air clad in the beauty of a thousand stars. ”

- Christopher Marlowe

“ You own anything which comes down in your yard, and you have a right to use it. ”

- Tom Walters

“ Many daughters have done virtuously, but thou excellest them all. ”

- Bible

“ Don't be afraid to challenge the pros, even in their own backyard. ”

- Colin Powell

“ The tragedy of it is that nobody sees the look of desperation on my face. Thousands and thousands of us, and we're passing one another without a look of recognition. ”

- Henry Miller

“ Now would I give a thousand furlongs of sea for an acre of barren ground. ”

- William Shakespeare

“ February, fill the dyke With what thou dost like. ”

- Thomas Tusser

“ I can't help thousands, I can help only the one who stands before me. ”

- Harold Ross

“ Innocence plays in the backyard of ignorance. ”

- Unknown

“ She understood how much louder a cock can crow in his own farmyard than elsewhere. ”

- Anthony Trollope

“ Your diamonds are not in far distant mountains or in yonder seas; they are in your own backyard, if you but dig for them. ”

- Russell H. Conwell

“ My father would take me to the playground, and put me on mood swings. ”

- Jay London

“ The children of Senaah, three thousand and six hundred and thirty. ”

- Bible

“ I was only interested in my scene, and I had to go through thousands and thousands of other scenes. I got my scene and I read it many, many, many, many, many times. That was my research. ”

- Ralph Fiennes

“ And when he numbered them in Bezek, the children of Israel were three hundred thousand, and the men of Judah thirty thousand. ”

- Bible

“ Thou shalt not steal. I mean defensively. On offense, indeed thou shall steal and thou must. ”

- Branch Rickey

“ I will no longer be referred to as Miss Steinem of Ms. magazine. ”

- Gloria Steinem

“ If thou canst believe, all things are possible to him that believeth. ”

- Bible

“ Thousands upon thousands of persons have studied disease. Almost no one has studied health. ”

- Adelle Davis

“ And this is the fashion which thou shalt make it of: The length of the ark shall be three hundred cubits, the breadth of it fifty cubits, and the height of it thirty cubits. ”

- Bible

“ My son will have a fairly stable future. Not one where the schoolyard talk is whose father grossed $8 million on his last picture. ”

- Michael J. Fox
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