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“ Education must not simply teach work – it must teach Life. ”
- W. E. B. Du Bois- Copy
- 3.3K
“ Defeat is not the worst of failures. Not to have tried is the true failure. ”
- George Edward Woodberry- Copy
- 1.3K
“ Those we love never truly leave us, Harry. There are things that death cannot touch. ”
- Jack Thorne- Copy
- 694
“ To lovers out there… We love and what when we cannot love anymore. We Leave. We don’t fight, abuse, Violet, Beat, Bruise, Emotional drained and blackmail, Rape, Kill, Poison, Hurt, distress, torment , lie about other person to destroy their reputation and to hurt them back. We leave the ones that hurt and that don’t appreciate us to find better ones that we will love and they will love us back ”
- De philosopher DJ Kyos- Copy
- 1.1K
“ The path is paved with consistent, conscious mental and spiritual alertness and the gradual growth of goodness in our heart and clarity in our mind. We are awake. If we keep trying to understand, we will understand. If we keep telling ourselves that we are loved by Life and if we keep looking for evidence of that love, we will find it. ”
- Donna Goddard- Copy
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“ It’s only after you’ve stepped outside your comfort zone that you begin to change, grow, and transform. ”
- Roy T. Bennett- Copy
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“ Money can buy you a fine dog, but only love can make him wag his tail. ”
- Ellen DeGeneres- Copy
- 3.8K
“ Perfection does not exist you can always do better and you can always grow. ”
- Les Brown- Copy
- 1.7K
“ I only have so much willpower, Helen," he whispered. "And since you apparently sleep in the most ridiculously transparent tank top I've ever seen, I'm going to have to ask you to get under the covers before I do something stupid. ”
- Josephine Angelini- Copy
- 3.5K
“ I love women, but I feel like you can’t trust some of them. Some of them are liars, you know? Like I was in the park and I met this girl, she was cute and she had a dog. And I went up to her, we started talking. She told me her dog’s name. Then I said, ‘Does he bite?’ She said, ‘No.’ And I said, ‘Oh yeah? Then how does he eat?’ Liar. ”
- Demetri Martin- Copy
- 1.2K
“ Meditation is a way for nourishing and blossoming the divinity within you. ”
- Amit Ray- Copy
“ Attitude is a choice. Happiness is a choice. Optimism is a choice. Kindness is a choice. Giving is a choice. Respect is a choice. Whatever choice you make makes you. Choose wisely. ”
- Roy T. Bennett- Copy
- 3.5K
“ My mission in life is not merely to survive, but to thrive; and to do so with some passion, some compassion, some humor, and some style. ”
- Maya Angelou- Copy
- 2K
“ There's a very positive relationship between people's ability to accomplish any task and the time they're willing to spend on it. ”
- Joyce Brothers- Copy
“ A daily dose of daydreaming heals the heart, soothes the soul, and strengthens the imagination. ”
- Richelle E. Goodrich- Copy
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“ It's all a conundrum, isn't it— forgetting the mixed tape in the car... feeling forgotten when... so many people are thinking of us? Drinking when we should be eating... sleeping when we should be making love... thanking God above when we don't have enough? Each day is a mad rush to something irrelevant. We measure our pricelessness by our successes, which... still equals money. Life goes by so quick when each day is a mad rush to slow motion. We eat fast food so that we can go to bed on time, but, trust me, everyone wakes up too late. ”
- Heather Angelika Dooley- Copy
- 3K
“ When we go into stillness we can hear our soul’s voice loud and clear. If we speak from our heart we share our soul’s melody with the world. ”
- Christina Goetz- Copy
“ Sometimes the hardest one to see . . .is the one standing right before you. ”
- Lenora Porch- Copy