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“ There is a distinct, awful pain that comes with loving someone more than they love you. ”
- Steve Maraboli- Copy
- 1.5K
“ Do I care about pleasure? Yes. But I don't believe in happiness. ”
- Tatiana Vedenska- Copy
- 1.3K
“ Until you step into the unknown, you don’t know what you’re made of. ”
- Roy T. Bennett- Copy
“ With every rising of the sun, think of your life as just begun. ”
- Unknown- Copy
- 2.1K
“ Being with you never felt wrong. It's the one thing I did right. You're the one thing I did right. ”
- Becca Fitzpatrick- Copy
- 658
“ But if you love and must needs have desires, let these be your desires: To melt and be like a running brook that sings its melody to the night. To know the pain of too much tenderness. To be wounded by your own understanding of love; And to bleed willingly and joyfully. To wake at dawn with a winged heart and give thanks for another day of loving; To rest at noon hour and meditate love's ecstasy; To return home at eventide with gratitude; And then to sleep with a prayer for the beloved in your heart and a song of praise on your lips. ”
- Kahlil Gibran- Copy
- 243
“ There are many Mondays to go before I die. I may as well look forward to them. ”
- Trevor Carss- Copy
- 3.1K
“ The difference between the love of a man and the love of a woman is that a man will always give reasons for loving, but a woman gives no reasons for loving. ”
- Fulton J. Sheen- Copy
- 3.7K
“ Love is always open arms. If you close your arms about love you will find that you are left holding only yourself. ”
- Leo Buscaglia- Copy
- 3K
“ Desire is the starting point of all achievement, not a hope, not a wish, but a keen pulsating desire which transcends everything. ”
- Napoleon Hill- Copy
- 4K
“ We're staying together," he promised. "You're not getting away from me. Never again. ”
- Rick Riordan- Copy
- 3.5K
“ I was watching the first raindrops falling down on the porous ground. Each drop disappeared eagerly into the sand without any hesitations. The Earth, in turn, embraced it warmly like it has gotten back something precious that once belonged to it. I, somehow, thought that this particular image suited more our story than anything else ”
- Ismaaciil C. Ubax- Copy
- 2.9K
“ True love is not so much a matter of romance as it is a matter of anxious concern for the wellbeing of one's companion. ”
- Gordon B. Hinckley- Copy
- 1.6K
“ And out of Tristan's heart there grew a hazel tree, and out of Iseult's a honeysuckle, and they arched together and clung and intertwined so that they could never be separated anymore. ”
- Rosemary Sutcliff- Copy
- 1.9K
“ Society will always be too fragile to accept us for all that makes us beautiful. ”
- robert m drake- Copy
- 3K
“ When you judge another, you do not define them, you define yourself. ”
- Wayne Dyer- Copy
- 855
“ I have come to the conclusion never again to think of marrying, and for this reason, I can never be satisfied with anyone who would be blockhead enough to have me. ”
- Abraham Lincoln- Copy
- 2.8K
“ Mysteries of attraction could not always be explained through logic. Sometimes the fractures in two separate souls became the very hinges that held them together. ”
- Lisa Kleypas- Copy
- 3.5K
“ The soul should always stand ajar, ready to welcome the ecstatic experience. ”
- Emily Dickinson- Copy
- 4K
“ A lot goes into everything but sometimes you have to sacrifice everything in order to achieve a lot. ”
- Kayambila Mpulamasaka- Copy
- 3.5K