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“ I learned this, at least, by my experiment; that if one advances confidently in the direction of his dreams, and endeavors to live the life which he has imagined, he will meet with a success unexpected in common hours.. ”
- Thoreau- Copy
- 230
“ When people think they know you and put you in a box, keep growing and give them the box. ”
- Jackie Griffin- Copy
- 3K
“ Don't worry when people only bring up your past. It's only because your present and future looks brighter and better than theirs ”
- Kimberking- Copy
- 3.3K
“ When love is real. You both will do whatever you can to build and construct a solid relationship. It will be hard work but it's possible, We all come with pros and cons. If it's real, it will never be over. ”
- Katherine Vargas- Copy
- 359
“ Being love rather than giving or taking love, is the only thing that provides stability. ”
- Ram Dass- Copy
- 2.5K
“ ...most of the time, all you have is the moment, and the imperfect love of the people around you. ”
- Anne Lamott- Copy
- 2.3K
“ I constantly challenge my athletes with workouts that take them to the upper edge of their ability. Like Brett's, my philosophy is that your biggest competitor is yourself. I will never ask the impossible. But I will come close. Those who answer with courage and selfbelief instead of fear and doubt are the ones who realize their dreams. ”
- Siri Lindley- Copy
- 1.5K
“ Keep in mind that three months worth of sowing equals three months of reaping at harvest, Remember not to stop sowing your fields in all ways in life after the first three months as its easy to feel good and live off of the fields already sowed but like a meat grinder the stock will eventually run out ”
- James D Wilson- Copy
“ Dream so big you get uncomfortable telling smallminded people. ”
- Praharsh Prasoon- Copy
- 1.3K
“ I do not write feelings, emotions I do not write after that day, about love anything I do not write my silence scream somewhere inside me there are my bloody wounds on paper words I do not write ”
- Mohammed Zaki Ansari- Copy
- 1.8K
“ Do I care about pleasure? Yes. But I don't believe in happiness. ”
- Tatiana Vedenska- Copy
- 1.3K
“ To lovers out there… We love and what when we cannot love anymore. We Leave. We don’t fight, abuse, Violet, Beat, Bruise, Emotional drained and blackmail, Rape, Kill, Poison, Hurt, distress, torment , lie about other person to destroy their reputation and to hurt them back. We leave the ones that hurt and that don’t appreciate us to find better ones that we will love and they will love us back ”
- De philosopher DJ Kyos- Copy
- 1.1K
“ The art of existence is to find a sensation of spiritual expansion that makes you larger than existence itself. ”
- Talismanist Giebra- Copy
- 3.4K
“ I try to avoid looking forward or backward, and try to keep looking upward. ”
- Charlotte Bronte- Copy
- 3.1K
“ Just when you think it can't get any worse, it can. And just when you think it can't get any better, it can. ”
- Nicholas Sparks- Copy
- 743
“ Do your duty and a little more and the future will take care of itself. ”
- Andrew Carnegie- Copy
- 4K
“ Love life and life will love you back. Love people and they will love you back. ”
- Arthur Rubenstein- Copy
- 1.3K
“ Sometimes, as we're stumbling along in the dark, we hit something good. ”
- Susan Ee- Copy
- 1.3K