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“ The little unremembered acts of kindness and love are the best parts of a person’s life. ”
- William Wordsworth- Copy
- 697
“ The one that’s different often has the odds stacked against them but usually ends up with the biggest rewards so it’s always worth it. ”
- TorronLee Dewar- Copy
“ If you fuel your journey on the opinions of others, you are going to run out of gas. ”
- Steve Maraboli- Copy
- 1.1K
“ To being far away from everything and everyone Stefanie Sybens, Letters from the WhatWentBefore ”
- Stefanie Sybens- Copy
“ Only put off until tomorrow what you are willing to die having left undone. ”
- Pablo Picasso- Copy
- 3.1K
“ Warm someone's cheek Whisper Caress Kiss for 10 seconds, or more, or for the rest of your life Be there Love Long Belong Be loyal Be love Be with someone always Belong to yourself ”
- David C. Sarnacki- Copy
- 3.9K
“ To lovers out there… I have realized that even thou I can cook for myself . I can drive myself, and I can do lot of things for myself. It is always nice to be driven . I enjoyed food been coked by someone and its always nice when someone does the things for me. It is the same with Love. You can love yourself , but the best Love is when you get it from someone . When someone loves you back, even when you can love yourself. ”
- De philosopher DJ Kyos- Copy
- 734
“ Relationships are like Rome difficult to start out, incredible during the prosperity of the 'golden age', and unbearable during the fall. Then, a new kingdom will come along and the whole process will repeat itself until you come across a kingdom like Egypt... that thrives, and continues to flourish. This kingdom will become your best friend, your soul mate, and your love. ”
- Helen Keller- Copy
- 2.5K
“ You can't stop dreaming just because the night never seems to end. ”
- Curtis Tyrone Jones- Copy
- 3.3K
“ There is the great lesson of 'Beauty and the Beast,' that a thing must be loved before it is lovable. ”
- Chesterton- Copy
- 1K
“ One chooses who they decide to love but never determines who will love them back. The woman’s first two considerations are respect and financial security which centers on the core of personality traits; a man reveres persona of physical and sexuality; these two impostors have little relevance of character. ”
- RJ Intindola- Copy
- 32
“ An idea can turn to dust or magic, depending on the talent that rubs against it. ”
- William Bernbach- Copy
- 103
“ Every second that passes is another grain of sand in your hourglass that is gone, forever lost in time. ”
- Nyki Mack- Copy
- 169
“ Her footprints are leaving green marks on the desert heart of mine ”
- Ismaaciil C. Ubax- Copy
- 303
“ Anything under God's control is never out of control. ”
- Charles Swindoll- Copy
- 3.8K
“ I constantly challenge my athletes with workouts that take them to the upper edge of their ability. Like Brett's, my philosophy is that your biggest competitor is yourself. I will never ask the impossible. But I will come close. Those who answer with courage and selfbelief instead of fear and doubt are the ones who realize their dreams. ”
- Siri Lindley- Copy
- 1.5K
“ The artist is nothing without the gift, but the gift is nothing without work. ”
- Émile Zola- Copy
- 3.8K