Quotes of Kilroy J. Oldster


Love is a panacea for a wound that never stops weeping.

- Kilroy J. Oldster

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“ Unless you love someone, nothing else makes sense. ”

- e.e. cummings

“ This is my simple religion. There is no need for temples; no need for complicated philosophy. Our own brain, our own heart is our temple; the philosophy is kindness. ”

- Dalai Lama

“ Reading is life, Reading is knowledge, Reading Is Everything. ”

- Ezra Heft

“ Changing a Habit is Never Difficult. Difficult is to Address Your Unwillingness to do it ”

- Vineet Raj Kapoor

“ There is the great lesson of 'Beauty and the Beast,' that a thing must be loved before it is lovable. ”

- Chesterton

“ Nothing can bring a real sense of security into the home except true love. ”

- Billy Graham

“ Do you ever put your arms out and just spin and spin and spin? Well, that’s what love is like. Everything inside of you tells you to stop before you fall, but you just keep going. ”

- Practical Magic

“ Where you go, I shall go; where you die, I shall die, and there will I be buried. ”

- Rosamund Hodge

“ And these aches in my heart create poetry! ”

- Avijeet Das

“ Those who ignore the rise of evil and depravity in a democracy, grant tacit license of acceptance and draw harm upon the vulnerable. When someone has altered our course without consent, we must engage to restore our path. ”

- RJ Intindola

“ Life is an abstract art, and it’s up to you to make sense of it. ”

- Talismanist Giebra

“ The whole image is that eternal suffering awaits anyone who questions God's infinite love. That's the message we're brought up with, isn't it? Believe or die! Thank you, forgiving Lord, for all those options. ”

- Bill Hicks

“ How would your life be different if…You stopped allowing other people to dilute or poison your day with their words or opinions? Let today be the day…You stand strong in the truth of your beauty and journey through your day without attachment to the validation of others ”

- Steve Maraboli

“ Life is never made unbearable by circumstances, but only by lack of meaning and purpose. ”

- Victor Frankl

“ It’s only after you’ve stepped outside your comfort zone that you begin to change, grow, and transform. ”

- Roy T. Bennett

“ Even when I'm dead, I'll swim through the Earth, like a mermaid of the soil, just to be next to your bones. ”

- Jeffrey McDaniel

“ Love thy neighbor — and if he happens to be tall, debonair and devastating, it will be that much easier. ”

- Mae West

“ The path is paved with consistent, conscious mental and spiritual alertness and the gradual growth of goodness in our heart and clarity in our mind. We are awake. If we keep trying to understand, we will understand. If we keep telling ourselves that we are loved by Life and if we keep looking for evidence of that love, we will find it. ”

- Donna Goddard

“ There is a distinct, awful pain that comes with loving someone more than they love you. ”

- Steve Maraboli

“ Could you exist just for the art of existence? ”

- Talismanist Giebra

“ To being far away from everything and everyone Stefanie Sybens, Letters from the WhatWentBefore ”

- Stefanie Sybens

“ If you love me as you say you do,' she whispered, 'make it so that I am at peace. ”

- Leo Tolstoy

“ Do not let your negative thoughts have power over you because those thoughts will end up controlling your life. No one can live a positive life with a negative mind. ”

- Roy T. Bennett

“ If you think in terms of a year, plant a seed; if in terms of ten years, plant trees; if in terms of 100 years, teach the people. ”

- Confucius

“ As powerful as your genetic combination is in determining the outcome of your life, your decisions are more powerful. You will ultimately look like your decisions. ”

- Kingsley Opuwari Manuel