Quotes of Charles de Gaulle


I respect only those who resist me; but I cannot tolerate them.

- Charles de Gaulle

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“ All for one and one for all. ”

- Alexandre Dumas

“ Love is always patient and kind. It is never jealous. Love is never boastful or conceited. It is never rude or selfish. It does not take offense and is not resentful. Love takes no pleasure in other people’s sins, but delights in the truth. It is always ready to excuse, to trust, to hope, and to endure whatever comes. ”

- Anonymous

“ Live your life, no matter what that life is. ”

- Corey Taylor

“ Better to have loved and lost, than to have never loved at all. ”

- St. Augustine

“ Tuhan kan nggak mungkin langsung sedekah ke orangorang, ya kalianlah sedekah duit kalau punya duit, sedekah ilmu, sedekah senyum. Masa sih kalau sudah gitu Tuhan gak bales cintamu? Tapi gak mungkin dia belaibelai langsung rambutmu, sentuh bibirmu. Maka Tuhan ciptakan “wakil”nya, yaitu pacarmu. Maka doalah, “Tuhan, semoga pacarku ini betulbetul orang yang kau pilihkan untukku. ”

- Sujiwo Tejo

“ An idea can turn to dust or magic, depending on the talent that rubs against it. ”

- William Bernbach

“ If you care about someone enough, you’ll always be there for them no matter what. ”

- Roy T. Bennett

“ This new day is too dear, with its hopes and invitations, to waste a moment on the yesterdays. ”

- Ralph Waldo Emerson

“ Anxiety is love's greatest killer. It makes others feel as you might when a drowning man holds on to you. You want to save him, but you know he will strangle you with his panic. ”

- Anais Nin

“ Many persons have a wrong idea of what constitutes true happiness. It is not attained through selfgratification but through fidelity to a worthy purpose. ”

- Helen Keller

“ There are many Mondays to go before I die. I may as well look forward to them. ”

- Trevor Carss

“ Motorbike Poem by Malay Roy Choudhury I am on motorbike yezdi yamaha when flanked by horizon gallop backwards through sand blizzard tinsel clouds explode at my feet without helmet and speedsplit air at eighty in midsummer simoon each soundcart recedes onrushing lorries flee in a flash No time to brood but Yes accident expected anytime may even turn into a junkheap in a droughtnursed field. Translation of Bengali original 'Motor Cycle ”

- Malay Roychoudhury

“ Art is in the act, not the product. Products simply provide a means to continue the process, a loan of sorts from the buyer. Now the Art is in the hands of the buyer who transforms a simple act as a gift of time to the artist. I for one can not say which is more beautiful. ”

- Vic Stah Milien

“ Woman is a delicate creature with strong emotions who has been created by the Almighty God to shoulder responsibility for educating society and moving toward perfection. God created woman as symbol of His own beauty and to give solace to her partner and her family. ”

- Ali Ibn Abi Talib A.S

“ Such is my relationship with God: on my gigantic canvass of life, I am the one throwing all of the brightlycolored paints, creating genuine splatters, authentic whirlpools of color, beautiful patterns, wonderful streaks and stains and wild accents; God is the one with the paintbrush who stands beside my canvass filling all the intricate and amazing details in between the whirlpools and the streaks! We're happy together! ”

- C. JoyBell C.

“ A heart filled with anger has no room for love. ”

- Joan Lunden

“ I held my heart back from positively accepting anything, since I was afraid of another fall, and in this condition of suspense I was being all the more killed. ”

- St. Augustine of Hippo

“ But if you love and must needs have desires, let these be your desires: To melt and be like a running brook that sings its melody to the night. To know the pain of too much tenderness. To be wounded by your own understanding of love; And to bleed willingly and joyfully. To wake at dawn with a winged heart and give thanks for another day of loving; To rest at noon hour and meditate love's ecstasy; To return home at eventide with gratitude; And then to sleep with a prayer for the beloved in your heart and a song of praise on your lips. ”

- Kahlil Gibran

“ The secret of change is to focus all of your energy, not on fighting the old, but on building the new. ”

- Socrates

“ The beautiful thing about love is that you just need to plant it once and nurture it and it shall bloom into blossoms that would cover the valleys. ”

- Hermann J. Steinherr

“ It is time to stop a young woman from being manipulated to break her ass and tear herself down to the core in order to build a man up. Once she builds him up, more than half the time he leaves her to figure out the millionpiece puzzle of life. Wow! It never amazes me how men forget who was there for them when they didn’t have a damn thing to their name. It’s a timeout for that! ”

- Charlena E. Jackson

“ We always see our worst selves. Our most vulnerable selves. We need someone else to get close enough to tell us we’re wrong. Someone we trust. ”

- David Levithan

“ Those who ignore the rise of evil and depravity in a democracy, grant tacit license of acceptance and draw harm upon the vulnerable. When someone has altered our course without consent, we must engage to restore our path. ”

- RJ Intindola

“ Pet names are a persistant remnant of childhood, a reminder that life is not always so serious, so formal, so complicated. They are a reminder, too, that one is not all things to all people. ”

- Jhumpa Lahiri

“ Those we love never truly leave us, Harry. There are things that death cannot touch. ”

- Jack Thorne