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“ He made me feel the infinite number of feelings, In which I lost myself. ”
- Luffina Lourduraj- Copy
- 77
“ Numbers by popular consensus don’t make a wrong thing right, and if you are misunderstood for being right, don’t be afraid because they are not yet in the right time zone. ”
- Erwin D. Maramat- Copy
- 2.7K
“ Just when you think it can't get any worse, it can. And just when you think it can't get any better, it can. ”
- Nicholas Sparks- Copy
- 743
“ Repentance is not at an end, Instead it’s the beginning of how it ends. ”
- Yeth Bisto- Copy
“ Sometimes when I'm alone, I take the pearl from where it lives in my pocket and try to remember the boy with the bread, the strong arms that warded off nightmares on the train, the kisses in the arena. ”
- Suzanne Collins- Copy
- 890
“ Perfect love casts out fear. Where there is love there are no demands, no expectations, no dependency. I do not demand that you make me happy; my happiness does not lie in you. If you were to leave me, I will not feel sorry for myself; I enjoy your company immensely, but I do not cling. ”
- Anthony de Mello- Copy
- 3.9K
“ We don’t really care for things that we get easily in life. Life always needs to be served hot. ”
- Subhasis Das- Copy
- 3.1K
“ The only love that I really believe in is a mother’s love for her children. ”
- Karl Lagerfeld- Copy
- 1.3K
“ Don't worry when people only bring up your past. It's only because your present and future looks brighter and better than theirs ”
- Kimberking- Copy
- 3.3K
“ I think romantic love evolved to enable you to focus your mating energy on just one individual at a time, thereby conserving mating time and energy. ”
- Helen Fisher- Copy
- 2K
“ There are two ways of meeting difficulties: you alter the difficulties, or you alter yourself to meet them. ”
- Phyllis Bottome- Copy
- 275
“ Find the things that matter, and hold on to them, and fight for them, and refuse to let them go. ”
- Lauren Oliver- Copy
- 121
“ You are successful in my book if you do what you love for a living; you do not owe money to anyone; you have a place what you call home; you have a wife/husband, a girlfriend/boyfriend, or a partner who loves and respects you; and most importantly, you are surrounded by friends and loved ones who stand by you in good and bad days. ”
- 1K
“ I find it odd the greed of mankind. People only like you for as long as they perceive they can get what they want from you. Or for as long as they perceive you are who they want you to be. But I like people for all of their changing surprises, the thoughts in their heads, the warmth that changes to cold and the cold that changes to warmth... for being human. The rawness of being human delights me. ”
- C. JoyBell C.- Copy
“ If you are really broke. You can’t afford giving up. If you can afford giving up. Then that means you are not broke. ”
- De philosopher DJ Kyos- Copy
“ Keep your face always toward the sunshine and shadows will fall behind you. ”
- Walt Whitman- Copy
- 1.8K
“ My sister will die over and over again for the rest of my life. Grief is forever. It doesn't go away; it becomes a part of you, step for step, breath for breath. I will never stop grieving Bailey because I will never stop loving her. That's just how it is. Grief and love are conjoined, you don't get one without the other. All I can do is love her, and love the world, emulate her by living with daring and spirit and joy. ”
- Jandy Nelson- Copy
- 885
“ I know in my heart that man is good, that what is right will always eventually triumph, and there is purpose and worth to each and every life. ”
- Ronald Reagan- Copy
- 3.1K
“ Those who ignore the rise of evil and depravity in a democracy, grant tacit license of acceptance and draw harm upon the vulnerable. When someone has altered our course without consent, we must engage to restore our path. ”
- RJ Intindola- Copy
- 32
“ I pray you, do not fall in love with me, for I am falser than vows made in wine. ”
- William Shakespeare- Copy
- 2.4K