Quotes of Gustave Flaubert


Be steady and well-ordered in your life so that you can be fierce and original in your work.

- Gustave Flaubert

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“ Every risk bears with it the seeds of an opportunity: failure success, fall rise, and setback comeback. ”


“ Where you go, I shall go; where you die, I shall die, and there will I be buried. ”

- Rosamund Hodge

“ Confusion, obsession, and potential love walk handinhand. ”

- Ashli and Trisha Edwards

“ Could you exist just for the art of existence? ”

- Talismanist Giebra

“ Drag your thoughts away from your troubles… by the ears, by the heels, or any other way you can manage it. ”

- Mark Twain

“ We are mathematical equations where your life is the sum of all choices you've made until now. The good news is you can change the equation so that you start making a difference in your life. ”

- Steve Maraboli

“ Hmm…now that I think about it, housecats are often coddled and petted. You don’t pet me nearly enough. You must be a lax owner. How selfish of you to deprive your cat of attention. ”

- Colleen Houck

“ No,' Nora said, almost in a whisper. 'It's because ' she looked carefully for the words 'you didn't stare at me. I saw you blush, and you immediately lowered your eyes. And I should have been embarrassed, ashamed... but I, I just felt safe, and I stood there unafraid.' She closed her eyes, taking in all the feelings of gratitude she had for that moment. 'That's when I knew I could trust you in a way that I didn't know was possible. ”

- Hani Selim

“ Tuhan kan nggak mungkin langsung sedekah ke orangorang, ya kalianlah sedekah duit kalau punya duit, sedekah ilmu, sedekah senyum. Masa sih kalau sudah gitu Tuhan gak bales cintamu? Tapi gak mungkin dia belaibelai langsung rambutmu, sentuh bibirmu. Maka Tuhan ciptakan “wakil”nya, yaitu pacarmu. Maka doalah, “Tuhan, semoga pacarku ini betulbetul orang yang kau pilihkan untukku. ”

- Sujiwo Tejo

“ The superior man thinks only of virtue; the common man thinks only of comfort. ”

- Confucius

“ One day she will be mine. I am telling you. I need to have her, and she needs me. She just doesn’t know it yet. There is no one in the world that could love her the way I could. ”

- Nico J. Genes

“ Uncertainty will always be part of the taking charge process. ”

- Harold Geneen

“ If our love isn't written in the stars, Why the very moment we truly locked eyes for the first time does one fly straight by. There's something to be said about twinsouls and meeting eye to eye, the soul ignites its fire for the very first time. ”

- Nikki Rowe

“ I love my attitude problem. ”

- Unknown

“ Superhuman effort isn't worth a damn unless it achieves results. ”

- Ernest Shackleton

“ Friendship not defined by words Friendship only defined by action ”

- Arshdeep Singh Samrala

“ Everyday of your life is a another lesson. If you learn the lesson well and apply it; whether positive or negative, you determine what happens in your tomorrow. ”

- David Kofi Awusi

“ When someone beats a rug, the blows are not against the rug, but against the dust in it. ”

- Gandhi

“ Remembering that you are going to die is the best way I know to avoid the trap of thinking you have something to lose. ”

- Unknown

“ Getting an idea should be like sitting down on a pin. It should make you jump up and do something. ”

- E. L. Simpson

“ Sometimes, as we're stumbling along in the dark, we hit something good. ”

- Susan Ee

“ Being positive in life it does not mean everything is going the way you want it, but it also means that when things don’t go right or your way. Then you believe ,hope and pray that they will be right and go your way. Not only that but you are making plans, decisions ,effort and action in making sure they turn right and your way. ”

- De philosopher DJ Kyos

“ Each of us is an innkeeper who decides if there is room for Jesus! ”

- Neal A. Maxwell

“ He didn't realize that love as powerful as your mother's for you leaves its own mark. ”

- J.K. Rowling