Quotes of Alexander Pope


Poets heap virtues, painters gems, at will, And show their zeal, and hide their want of skill.

- Alexander Pope

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“ I will be generous with my love today. I will sprinkle compliments and uplifting words everywhere I go. I will do this knowing that my words are like seeds and when they fall on fertile soil, a reflection of those seeds will grow into something greater. ”

- Steve Maraboli

“ Maybe everyone can live beyond what they're capable of. ”

- Markus Zusak

“ Love is not love Which alters when it alteration finds, Or bends with the remover to remove. O no, it is an everfixed mark That looks on tempests and is never shaken; It is the star to every wand'ring bark, Whose worth's unknown, although his height be taken." (Sonnet 116) ”

- William Shakespeare

“ I hope she'll be a fool that's the best thing a girl can be in this world, a beautiful little fool. ”

- F. Scott Fitzgerald

“ The one that’s different often has the odds stacked against them but usually ends up with the biggest rewards so it’s always worth it. ”

- TorronLee Dewar

“ The little unremembered acts of kindness and love are the best parts of a person’s life. ”

- William Wordsworth

“ Good management is the art of making problems so interesting and their solutions so constructive that everyone wants to get to work and deal with them. ”

- Paul Hawken

“ My young sisters, we have such hope for you. We have such great expectations for you. Don't settle for less than what the Lord wants you to be... Give me a young woman who loves home and family, who reads and ponders the scriptures daily, who has a burning testimony of the Book of Mormon... Give me a young woman who is virtuous and who has maintained her personal purity, who will not settle for less than a temple marriage, and I will give you a young woman who will perform miracles for the Lord now and throughout eternity. ”

- Ezra

“ Some symbols reach to your primordial archives. ”

- Talismanist Giebra

“ Your Dreams Matter. Like an athlete trains, so must the student of life. Train the mind, body and spirit, so you may achieve anything. Life is about sharing your dreams/purpose (gifts/passions/talents) with the world and helping others find their way. ”

- Elizabeth SalamancaBrosig

“ Do your duty and a little more and the future will take care of itself. ”

- Andrew Carnegie

“ You see, when we set goals that feel safer and achievable, we are caving in to our own preconceived notions of what we are capable of. We’re not pushing past our comfort zone; we’re just settling for status quo. ”

- Ruth Soukup

“ The price of your birthday outfits should go costlier with respect to the ages you lived. ”

- Anwesha Mohanty ‘Anny’

“ Could you exist just for the art of existence? ”

- Talismanist Giebra

“ Perfect love casts out fear. Where there is love there are no demands, no expectations, no dependency. I do not demand that you make me happy; my happiness does not lie in you. If you were to leave me, I will not feel sorry for myself; I enjoy your company immensely, but I do not cling. ”

- Anthony de Mello

“ Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever. ”

- Mahatma Gandhi

“ Caution not spirit, let it roam wild; for in that natural state dance embraces divine frequency. ”

- Shah Asad Rizvi

“ The evolutionary algorithm of all life on earth is written in this universal language we call love. ”

- Wald Wassermann

“ I would die for you. But I won't live for you. ”

- Stephen Chbosky

“ God does not ask about our ability, but our availability. ”

- Unknown

“ Though lovers be lost love shall not. ”

- Dylan Thomas

“ I believe in love the verb, not the noun. ”

- Greg Behrendt

“ So many reasons to hate and still I choose to love anyway... ”

- Samiha Totanji

“ The superior man thinks only of virtue; the common man thinks only of comfort. ”

- Confucius