Quotes of Herbie Hancock


I think there's a great beauty to having problems. That's one of the ways we learn.

- Herbie Hancock

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“ Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow. The important thing is not to stop questioning. ”

- Albert Einstein

“ Keep your face always toward the sunshine and shadows will fall behind you. ”

- Walt Whitman

“ Stay strong, stay positive, and never give up. ”

- Roy T. Bennett

“ You are everything I never knew I always wanted. ”

- Fools Rush In

“ Perfect is annoying, boring, and impossible to sustain. Knowing how to translate conscientiousness into something beyond the fleeting satisfaction of “me” toward a “we” mindset is the best move you can make. ”

- Kristen Lee

“ I thought it (love) meant like you hold out your hand and someone takes it, holds it hard, and pulls you safe from the river. You talk. You tell him bits of yourself. You say here's where I hurt and you give it to him and he holds it and gives you where he hurts in return and you hold it and that's how you learn to love. ”

- Elizabeth George

“ It is that we are never so defenseless against suffering as when we love, never so helplessly unhappy as when we have lost our loved object or its love. ”

- Sigmund Freud

“ Bagiku ada sesuatu yang paling berharga dan hakiki dalam kehidupan: 'dapat mencintai, dapat iba hati, dapat merasai kedukaan'. Tanpa itu semua maka kita tidak lebih dari benda. Berbahagialah orang yang masih mempunyai rasa cinta, yang belum sampai kehilangan benda yang paling bernilai itu. Kalau kita telah kehilangan itu maka absurdlah hidup kita. ”

- Soe Hok Gie

“ If you are depressed, you are living in the past. If you are anxious, you are living in the future. If you are at peace, you are living in the present ”

- Lao tzu

“ I try to avoid looking forward or backward, and try to keep looking upward. ”

- Charlotte Bronte

“ Mistakes are not bad; excuses are. ”

- Udai Yadla

“ If you want a future that makes you happy, if you want a world that you’re excited about, get your ass out there and earn it. ”

- Tom Bilyeu

“ When love is real. You both will do whatever you can to build and construct a solid relationship. It will be hard work but it's possible, We all come with pros and cons. If it's real, it will never be over. ”

- Katherine Vargas

“ If you don't run your own life, somebody else will. ”

- John Atkinson

“ The only time a man can do the right thing is right now. ”

- John Verdon

“ Your Dreams Matter. Like an athlete trains, so must the student of life. Train the mind, body and spirit, so you may achieve anything. Life is about sharing your dreams/purpose (gifts/passions/talents) with the world and helping others find their way. ”

- Elizabeth SalamancaBrosig

“ Art is in the act, not the product. Products simply provide a means to continue the process, a loan of sorts from the buyer. Now the Art is in the hands of the buyer who transforms a simple act as a gift of time to the artist. I for one can not say which is more beautiful. ”

- Vic Stah Milien

“ If music be the food of love, play on. ”

- William Shakespeare

“ To love oneself is the beginning of a life long romance. ”

- Oscar Wilde

“ Love is an endless mystery, because there is no reasonable cause that could explain it. ”

- Rabindranath Tagore

“ A lack of clarity could put the brakes on any journey to success. ”

- Steve Maraboli

“ Better to have, and not need, than to need, and not have. ”

- Franz Kafka

“ Because, if you could love someone, and keep loving them, without being loved back . . . then that love had to be real. It hurt too much to be anything else. ”

- Sarah Cross

“ Just because you fall once, doesn't mean you're fall at everything. Keep trying, hold on, and always trust yourself, because if you don't then who will?? ”

- Marilyn Monroe