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“ Eleanor was right. She never looked nice. She looked like art, and art wasn't supposed to look nice; it was supposed to make you feel something. ”
- Rainbow Rowell- Copy
- 206
“ The only time we can effect an action is now. So learn from the past, have a vision for your future but act NOW. Today will soon be your past so don’t miss your present. ? ”
- Andrea McGibbon- Copy
- 3.3K
“ But if you love and must needs have desires, let these be your desires: To melt and be like a running brook that sings its melody to the night. To know the pain of too much tenderness. To be wounded by your own understanding of love; And to bleed willingly and joyfully. To wake at dawn with a winged heart and give thanks for another day of loving; To rest at noon hour and meditate love's ecstasy; To return home at eventide with gratitude; And then to sleep with a prayer for the beloved in your heart and a song of praise on your lips. ”
- Kahlil Gibran- Copy
- 243
“ Betrayal, Selfishness, Sly and many more! A kid is far away from understanding abstract nouns except one Love. ”
- Somya Kedia- Copy
- 2.2K
“ Superhuman effort isn't worth a damn unless it achieves results. ”
- Ernest Shackleton- Copy
- 291
“ Tucker strokes my hair. There's something so tender about the gesture. It might as well have been him whispering I love you. ”
- Cynthia Hand- Copy
- 3.4K
“ Anything I ever did for a person was out of love, nobody can ever finesse me. ”
- Genereux Philip- Copy
“ That's a misconception, Lennie. The sky is everywhere, it begins at your feet. ”
- Jandy Nelson- Copy
- 2.5K
“ Love is not love Which alters when it alteration finds, Or bends with the remover to remove. O no, it is an everfixed mark That looks on tempests and is never shaken; It is the star to every wand'ring bark, Whose worth's unknown, although his height be taken." (Sonnet 116) ”
- William Shakespeare- Copy
- 1.4K
“ Changing a Habit is Never Difficult. Difficult is to Address Your Unwillingness to do it ”
- Vineet Raj Kapoor- Copy
- 2.5K
“ So don't you worry your pretty little mind because people throw rocks at things that shine. [Ours] ”
- Taylor Swift- Copy
- 3K
“ He didn't realize that love as powerful as your mother's for you leaves its own mark. ”
- J.K. Rowling- Copy
- 1.9K
“ Dream so big you get uncomfortable telling smallminded people. ”
- Praharsh Prasoon- Copy
- 1.3K
“ When we go into stillness we can hear our soul’s voice loud and clear. If we speak from our heart we share our soul’s melody with the world. ”
- Christina Goetz- Copy
“ If you are happy with the person you are becoming, and you can understand that the journey is long and the processes are slow; you are on the right track no matter what your current situation is. ”
- Joshua Lynott- Copy
- 560
“ Don't let him take who you are. Make him fear who you'll become. ”
- Mary Weber- Copy
- 2.1K
“ The past can't hurt you anymore. Not unless you let it. They made you into a victim, Evey. They made you into a statistic. But, that's not the real you. That's not who you are inside. ”
- Alan Moore- Copy
- 545
“ The sun shall always rise upon a new day and there shall always be a rose garden within me. Yes, there is a part of me that is broken, but my broken soil gives way to my wild roses. ”
- C. JoyBell C.- Copy
“ You don't need a million dollars in the bank. You just have to have passion, hustle and drive ”
- Daymond John- Copy
- 2.4K
“ The art of existence is to find a sensation of spiritual expansion that makes you larger than existence itself. ”
- Talismanist Giebra- Copy
- 3.4K