Quotes of Robin Sharma


Mastery begins with humility.

- Robin Sharma

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“ If life gives you lemons, make lemonade. ”

- Unknown

“ How many slams in an old screen door? Depends how loud you shut it. How many slices in a bread? Depends how thin you cut it. How much good inside a day? Depends how good you live 'em. How much love inside a friend? Depends how much you give 'em. ”

- Shel Silverstein

“ She believed she could so she did. ”

- Unknown

“ There are men so philosophical that they can see humor in their own toothaches. But there has never lived a man so philosophical that he could see the toothache in his own humor. ”

- H. L. Mencken

“ I have come from the End of the World. From the River of Dreams, through the gauntlet and the Briar and the Deep Wyld, in order to stand before you today. I have but one request—to take my place at your side. To resume my duty as your knight, and to protect you and your kingdom for as long as I draw breath. ”

- Julie Kagawa

“ Love doesn't sit there like a stone, it has to be made, like bread: remade all the time, made new. ”

- Og Mandino

“ A heart filled with anger has no room for love. ”

- Joan Lunden

“ When love is real. You both will do whatever you can to build and construct a solid relationship. It will be hard work but it's possible, We all come with pros and cons. If it's real, it will never be over. ”

- Katherine Vargas

“ Love is beautiful as written in The Greatest Proposal Book ”

- Khuliso Mamathoni

“ Most people never truly live because they never do what they truly love. ”

- Tanner Walling

“ If A equals success, then the formula is A equals X plus Y and Z, with X being work, Y play, and Z keeping your mouth shut. ”

- Albert Einstein

“ I do not write feelings, emotions I do not write after that day, about love anything I do not write my silence scream somewhere inside me there are my bloody wounds on paper words I do not write ”

- Mohammed Zaki Ansari

“ Be brave. Don't just live in your cave till your grave. ”


“ Live a life of substance. The rest are mere fantasies. ”

- Pragnya Sahoo

“ We cannot all do great things, but we can do small things with great love. ”

- Mother Teresa

“ the saddest thing is to be a minute to someone, when you've made them your eternity. ”

- Sanober Khan

“ Repentance is not at an end, Instead it’s the beginning of how it ends. ”

- Yeth Bisto

“ Learn the rules so you know how to break them properly. ”

- Dalai Lama

“ Fear lies. Save love. ”

- Arif Naseem

“ Damn right you are. Tinley, you know I love you, and I want nothing but the best for you. But you are only as capable as you believe you are. I know you could do anything you want to in this world, but you have to want it and tell yourself you can actually do it. Stop second guessing yourself and let yourself live. Truly live. ”

- Alexandria Bishop

“ A heart, once stolen, can never be taken back. ”

- Marissa Meyer

“ Anxiety is love's greatest killer. It makes others feel as you might when a drowning man holds on to you. You want to save him, but you know he will strangle you with his panic. ”

- Anais Nin

“ As an African elite, look within and ask, what can I do to change the present African narratives? What niche can I carve and do my uncompromising best to lift this continent? For my sake and for the sake of my children Jumoke Odepe ”

- Jumoke Odepe

“ At the beginning, you need no support other than your pen and paper to write down the ideas that your brain is ready to supply you at any given time. ”

- Godspower Oparaugo

“ One word Frees us of all the weight and pain of life: That word is love. ”

- Sophocles