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“ If you are really broke. You can’t afford giving up. If you can afford giving up. Then that means you are not broke. ”
- De philosopher DJ Kyos- Copy
“ Art is in the act, not the product. Products simply provide a means to continue the process, a loan of sorts from the buyer. Now the Art is in the hands of the buyer who transforms a simple act as a gift of time to the artist. I for one can not say which is more beautiful. ”
- Vic Stah Milien- Copy
- 429
“ Leaders in OVER their heads is the mere result of getting ahead of their intended SEASON. ”
- John Paul Warren- Copy
- 3.2K
“ How can I put the Auras back in the chest?” I asked, terror boiling inside my stomach. “You can’t. Not if those that were or will be struck by them won’t be eager to express their feelings and let you help them. You do not change people, dearie. It’s the people that change themselves. You’re the Guardian, but they’re the bearers,” the Oracle whispered. “I’m no Guardian. I’m doomed!” I said and I knew that this was true. ”
- Victoria Moschou- Copy
“ You don't need a million dollars in the bank. You just have to have passion, hustle and drive ”
- Daymond John- Copy
- 2.4K
“ Take wrong turns. Talk to strangers. Open unmarked doors. And if you see a group of people in a field, go find out what they are doing. Do things without always knowing how they'll turn out. You're curious and smart and bored, and all you see is the choice between working hard and slacking off. There are so many adventures that you miss because you're waiting to think of a plan. To find them, look for tiny interesting choices. And remember that you are always making up the future as you go. ”
- Randall Munroe- Copy
- 3.3K
“ Woman is a delicate creature with strong emotions who has been created by the Almighty God to shoulder responsibility for educating society and moving toward perfection. God created woman as symbol of His own beauty and to give solace to her partner and her family. ”
- Ali Ibn Abi Talib A.S- Copy
- 3.6K
“ Looks like to me we all begin and end in the same place. Perhaps we could love each other a little bit more along the way. ”
- Clyde Lee Dennis- Copy
- 2.1K
“ I will not let anyone walk through my mind with their dirty feet. ”
- Mahatma Gandhi- Copy
- 1.9K
“ I was so blessed. The first person I gave my heart to was an angel who plucked the feathers off his wings and built a nest for it. ”
- Kamand Kojouri- Copy
- 261
“ Our children will be counted, and justice will be served. Our babies deserve a fair chance at life. We are our children’s groundbreakers; therefore, we cannot give up. We might run out of breath but we must have the willpower when moving forward to fight for our children’s voices to be heard. Bullying is not accepted ”
- Charlena E. Jackson- Copy
- 2.3K
“ There is a distinct, awful pain that comes with loving someone more than they love you. ”
- Steve Maraboli- Copy
- 1.5K
“ Love touched her heart, and lo! It beats high, and burns with such brave hearts. ”
- Richard Crawshaw- Copy
- 955
“ Fairies with gossamer wings, Bring forth beauty, grace and joyful things. Fairies of the earth are caretakers of our soil, water and trees, They watch over beautiful creatures such as bears, bunnies and bees. Fairies ask that you breathe in and appreciate the vantage point from which you stand, Then trod carefully and respectfully with each intentional step you make across this beautiful land. ”
- Molly Friedenfeld- Copy
“ Drag your thoughts away from your troubles… by the ears, by the heels, or any other way you can manage it. ”
- Mark Twain- Copy
- 2.7K
“ The love we say we feel for another is, in most cases, just a selfish hunt for our own happiness. ”
- Tatjana Ostojic- Copy
- 7
“ Annual income twenty pounds, annual expenditure nineteen six, result happiness. Annual income twenty pounds, annual expenditure twenty pound ought and six, result misery. ”
- Charles Dickens- Copy
- 3.3K