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“ Love is like the measles. The older you get it, the worse the attack. ”
- Mary Roberts Rinehart- Copy
- 367
“ I thought it (love) meant like you hold out your hand and someone takes it, holds it hard, and pulls you safe from the river. You talk. You tell him bits of yourself. You say here's where I hurt and you give it to him and he holds it and gives you where he hurts in return and you hold it and that's how you learn to love. ”
- Elizabeth George- Copy
- 3.8K
“ Without term limits, some remain in office for decades; as a result, their power increases and they feel entitled, and ignore the people they represent; but do not be fooled that term limits would ultimately change representation, for it’s the ignorance of the populace who continue returning the same people to office. ”
- RJ Intindola- Copy
- 214
“ Tuhan kan nggak mungkin langsung sedekah ke orangorang, ya kalianlah sedekah duit kalau punya duit, sedekah ilmu, sedekah senyum. Masa sih kalau sudah gitu Tuhan gak bales cintamu? Tapi gak mungkin dia belaibelai langsung rambutmu, sentuh bibirmu. Maka Tuhan ciptakan “wakil”nya, yaitu pacarmu. Maka doalah, “Tuhan, semoga pacarku ini betulbetul orang yang kau pilihkan untukku. ”
- Sujiwo Tejo- Copy
- 1.7K
“ Those we love never truly leave us, Harry. There are things that death cannot touch. ”
- Jack Thorne- Copy
- 694
“ The art of existence is to find a sensation of spiritual expansion that makes you larger than existence itself. ”
- Talismanist Giebra- Copy
- 3.4K
“ Whether you know or not, you are the infinite potential of love, peace and joy ”
- Amit Ray- Copy
- 39
“ I am convinced that one should tell one's spiritual director if one has a great desire for Communion, for Our Lord does not come from Heaven every day to stay in a golden ciborium; He comes to find another heaven, the heaven of our soul in which He loves to dwell. ”
- St. Therese of Lisieux- Copy
“ True love is not so much a matter of romance as it is a matter of anxious concern for the wellbeing of one's companion. ”
- Gordon B. Hinckley- Copy
- 1.6K
“ Uncertainty will always be part of the taking charge process. ”
- Harold Geneen- Copy
- 3.1K
“ Love is a fire. But whether it is going to warm your hearth or burn down your house, you can never tell. ”
- Joan Crawford- Copy
- 2.8K
“ Your memory feels like home to me. So whenever my mind wanders, it always finds it’s way back to you. ”
- Ranata Suzuki- Copy
- 3.1K
“ Do not yearn to be popular; be exquisite. Do not desire to be famous; be loved. Do not take pride in being expected; be palpable, unmistakable. ”
- C. JoyBell C.- Copy
“ He made me feel the infinite number of feelings, In which I lost myself. ”
- Luffina Lourduraj- Copy
- 77
“ Love touched her heart, and lo! It beats high, and burns with such brave hearts. ”
- Richard Crawshaw- Copy
- 955
“ I miss your voice because it is a symphony; your scent because it is a treasure; your smile because it is a jewel; your hug because it is a masterpiece; and your kiss because it is a miracle. ”
- Matshona Dhliwayo- Copy
- 4K
“ The night still bold The cold singing by The crickets on their turbo Ushering in a celestial night in beautiful robe For tonight he will wonder into a glorious quest of the night As he lay down his head, will the Angels guard him Good night and sweet dreams ”
- Perpetua Ukakogu- Copy
- 1.6K
“ Looks like to me we all begin and end in the same place. Perhaps we could love each other a little bit more along the way. ”
- Clyde Lee Dennis- Copy
- 2.1K
“ We would frequently be ashamed of our good deeds if people saw all of the motives that produced them. ”
- Francois De La Rochefoucauld- Copy
- 2K
“ the saddest thing is to be a minute to someone, when you've made them your eternity. ”
- Sanober Khan- Copy
- 2.7K
“ You can't stop dreaming just because the night never seems to end. ”
- Curtis Tyrone Jones- Copy
- 3.3K
“ To being far away from everything and everyone Stefanie Sybens, Letters from the WhatWentBefore ”
- Stefanie Sybens- Copy
“ Those who ignore the rise of evil and depravity in a democracy, grant tacit license of acceptance and draw harm upon the vulnerable. When someone has altered our course without consent, we must engage to restore our path. ”
- RJ Intindola- Copy
- 32
“ If you have kindness in your heart, you offer acts of kindness to touch the hearts of others wherever you go—whether they are random or planned. Kindness becomes a way of life. ”
- Roy T. Bennett- Copy
- 3.2K