Quotes of Alexandre Dumas


All for one and one for all.

- Alexandre Dumas

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“ Though lovers be lost love shall not. ”

- Dylan Thomas

“ Leaders in OVER their heads is the mere result of getting ahead of their intended SEASON. ”

- John Paul Warren

“ Give yourself permission to practice selfcare and to make time for your own dreams, goals, and priorities. ”

- Ruth Soukup

“ Learn the rules so you know how to break them properly. ”

- Dalai Lama

“ I’ll hold you in my heart, till I can hold you in my arms. ”

- Unknown

“ To pay gratitude, sign of generosity. ”

- Shekhar Srivastava

“ Our children will be counted, and justice will be served. Our babies deserve a fair chance at life. We are our children’s groundbreakers; therefore, we cannot give up. We might run out of breath but we must have the willpower when moving forward to fight for our children’s voices to be heard. Bullying is not accepted ”

- Charlena E. Jackson

“ Ladies, it’s harvest time!!! Take care of your crops, water them and weed them out. ”

- Charlena E. Jackson

“ If I love you more than you love me, I’m as good as dead. Yet I can’t make myself take it back. I can’t just walk away from you, because every time you pass by me without smiling, without touching my hand, or at least making eye contact, it feels like I’m dying inside. ”

- Rachel Vincent

“ Faith is taking the first step even when you can’t see the whole staircase. ”

- Martin Luther King

“ And out of Tristan's heart there grew a hazel tree, and out of Iseult's a honeysuckle, and they arched together and clung and intertwined so that they could never be separated anymore. ”

- Rosemary Sutcliff

“ All my problems bow before my stubbornness. ”

- Amit Kalantri

“ Is there any positive energy like enthusiasm? ”

- Lailah Gifty Akita

“ Willingness to show we are interested in our children’s needs takes the burden and worries off their minds. It shows compassion on our end, and it builds trust on their end. ”

- Charlena E. Jackson

“ If you listen more, you will judge less; and when you judge less, you will appreciate differences; and you will be more happy. ”


“ Live a life of substance. The rest are mere fantasies. ”

- Pragnya Sahoo

“ What I stand for is what I stand on. ”

- Wendell Berry

“ He made me feel the infinite number of feelings, In which I lost myself. ”

- Luffina Lourduraj

“ You are successful in my book if you do what you love for a living; you do not owe money to anyone; you have a place what you call home; you have a wife/husband, a girlfriend/boyfriend, or a partner who loves and respects you; and most importantly, you are surrounded by friends and loved ones who stand by you in good and bad days. ”


“ Life is good! It is only our thoughts, choices and actions towards the situations we meet in life each moment of time that makes life look bad! The same bad situation in life that makes one person think badly inspires another to do a noble thing! The same good situation in life that makes one person feel so good to get into a bad situation inspires another person to create another good situation because of the good situation. It is all about thoughts, choices and actions! Life is good! Live it well! ”

- Ernest Agyemang Yeboah

“ Legacy is greater than currency ”

- Gary Vaynerchuk

“ If you are too busy to pray, you are busier than God wants you to be. ”

- Wanda E. Brunstetter

“ Love is not a feeling of happiness. Love is a willingness to sacrifice. ”

- Michael Novak

“ My sister will die over and over again for the rest of my life. Grief is forever. It doesn't go away; it becomes a part of you, step for step, breath for breath. I will never stop grieving Bailey because I will never stop loving her. That's just how it is. Grief and love are conjoined, you don't get one without the other. All I can do is love her, and love the world, emulate her by living with daring and spirit and joy. ”

- Jandy Nelson

“ I just...I just miss him. And I hate being so alone. ”

- Suzanne Collins