Quotes of J. K. Rowling


Achievable goals are the first step to self improvement.

- J. K. Rowling

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“ It takes writing a billion bad words before you get to the good ones. ”

- Ray Bradbury

“ Nothing is over for good! You either take with you memories, love, lesson or an experience. ”

- Somya Kedia

“ Security is mostly a superstition. It does not exist in nature, nor do the children of men as a whole experience it. Avoiding danger is no safer in the long run than outright exposure. Life is either a daring adventure, or nothing. ”

- Helen Keller

“ Sometimes, change is what we need to retain our sanity. ”

- Life

“ Yet there are moments when the walls of the mind grow thin; when nothing is unabsorbed, and I could fancy that we might blow so vast a bubble that the sun might set and rise in it and we might take the blue of midday and the black of midnight and be cast off and escape from here and now. ”

- Virginia Woolf

“ Life is never made unbearable by circumstances, but only by lack of meaning and purpose. ”

- Victor Frankl

“ Those who complain about being constrained in their job and life should ask themselves one simple question. Are you constrained by chains or in your own mind? ”

- RJ Intindola

“ Take wrong turns. Talk to strangers. Open unmarked doors. And if you see a group of people in a field, go find out what they are doing. Do things without always knowing how they'll turn out. You're curious and smart and bored, and all you see is the choice between working hard and slacking off. There are so many adventures that you miss because you're waiting to think of a plan. To find them, look for tiny interesting choices. And remember that you are always making up the future as you go. ”

- Randall Munroe

“ An idea can turn to dust or magic, depending on the talent that rubs against it. ”

- William Bernbach

“ Confusion, obsession, and potential love walk handinhand. ”

- Ashli and Trisha Edwards

“ I want to stand in front Allah proud of how well I treated back in dunya. ”

- Ismaaciil C. Ubax

“ We love those who admire us, but not those whom we admire. ”

- Francois De La Rochefoucauld

“ There is nothing higher than love, and nothing lower than ignorance. ”

- Matshona Dhliwayo

“ Do not yearn to be popular; be exquisite. Do not desire to be famous; be loved. Do not take pride in being expected; be palpable, unmistakable. ”

- C. JoyBell C.

“ Ethical veganism results in a profound revolution within the individual; a complete rejection of the paradigm of oppression and violence that she has been taught from childhood to accept as the natural order. It changes her life and the lives of those with whom she shares this vision of nonviolence. Ethical veganism is anything but passive; on the contrary, it is the active refusal to cooperate with injustice ”

- GaryLFrancione

“ Meditation is a way for nourishing and blossoming the divinity within you. ”

- Amit Ray

“ Those we love never truly leave us, Harry. There are things that death cannot touch. ”

- Jack Thorne

“ The evolutionary algorithm of all life on earth is written in this universal language we call love. ”

- Wald Wassermann

“ I learned this, at least, by my experiment; that if one advances confidently in the direction of his dreams, and endeavors to live the life which he has imagined, he will meet with a success unexpected in common hours.. ”

- Thoreau

“ And, in the end… The love you take is equal to the love you make. ”

- Paul McCartney

“ Tough times never last. Tough people do ”

- Robert Schuller

“ Love is an endless mystery, because there is no reasonable cause that could explain it. ”

- Rabindranath Tagore

“ The price of your birthday outfits should go costlier with respect to the ages you lived. ”

- Anwesha Mohanty ‘Anny’

“ Hmm…now that I think about it, housecats are often coddled and petted. You don’t pet me nearly enough. You must be a lax owner. How selfish of you to deprive your cat of attention. ”

- Colleen Houck

“ I held my heart back from positively accepting anything, since I was afraid of another fall, and in this condition of suspense I was being all the more killed. ”

- St. Augustine of Hippo