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“ There is more to sex appeal than just measurements. I don’t need a bedroom to prove my womanliness. I can convey just as much sex appeal, picking apples off a tree or standing in the rain. ”
- Audrey Hepburn- Copy
- 1.6K
“ When you love someone, you say their name different. Like it's safe inside your mouth. ”
- Jodi Picoult- Copy
- 1.7K
“ Some people are not capable of loving you the way you need to be loved It might be wise to just wish them well and take care of yourself. ”
- Charles E Hudson- Copy
- 2.6K
“ Love people who hate you. Pray for people who have wronged you. It won’t just change their life…it’ll change yours. ”
- Mandy Hale- Copy
- 557
“ Where you go, I shall go; where you die, I shall die, and there will I be buried. ”
- Rosamund Hodge- Copy
- 3K
“ Repetition is the mother of skill. (might be someone else who wrote it). ”
- Anthony Robbins- Copy
- 1.2K
“ If A equals success, then the formula is A equals X plus Y and Z, with X being work, Y play, and Z keeping your mouth shut. ”
- Albert Einstein- Copy
- 3.8K
“ Sometimes, as we're stumbling along in the dark, we hit something good. ”
- Susan Ee- Copy
- 1.3K
“ You are successful in my book if you do what you love for a living; you do not owe money to anyone; you have a place what you call home; you have a wife/husband, a girlfriend/boyfriend, or a partner who loves and respects you; and most importantly, you are surrounded by friends and loved ones who stand by you in good and bad days. ”
- 1K
“ Mythology is not a lie, mythology is poetry, it is metaphorical. It has been well said that mythology is the penultimate truthpenultimate because the ultimate cannot be put into words. It is beyond words. Beyond images, beyond that bounding rim of the Buddhist Wheel of Becoming. Mythology pitches the mind beyond that rim, to what can be known but not told. ”
- Joseph Campbell- Copy
- 3.7K
“ The gospel is this: We are more sinful and flawed in ourselves than we ever dared believe, yet at the very same time we are more loved and accepted in Jesus Christ than we ever dared hope. ”
- Timothy Keller- Copy
- 154
“ Your environment will eat your goals and plans for breakfast. ”
- Steve Pavlina- Copy
- 3.7K
“ When your only competition is becoming a better you, you will always win the game. ”
- Jackie Griffin- Copy
- 1.7K
“ Life is a sheet of blank papers and pen: “We write our life like one made in heaven.” Sadly though, some don’t have the pen with them: “It’s others doing the writing for them. ”
- Rodolfo Martin Vitangcol- Copy
- 235
“ Love yourself first and everything else falls into line. Your really have to love yourself to get anything done in this world. ”
- Lucille Ball- Copy
- 1.2K