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“ At one time or another we are all called to leave the safety of our homes, the certainty of what we know, the illusions of who we are. Not everyone will heed this call, of course. And those who do will risk losing themselves completely. But if we choose to ignore the invitation, we risk never knowing who we might have become. We risk dying without knowing what it is to live. ”
- Thomas Lloyd Qualls- Copy
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“ What if it becomes less about how we look and more about how much we care? What if it becomes less about how much money we earn and more about how much we share our good fortune? Imagine a world where who we are in our hearts is the ultimate status symbol. ”
- Amy Leigh Mercree- Copy
“ Superhuman effort isn't worth a damn unless it achieves results. ”
- Ernest Shackleton- Copy
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“ Take wrong turns. Talk to strangers. Open unmarked doors. And if you see a group of people in a field, go find out what they are doing. Do things without always knowing how they'll turn out. You're curious and smart and bored, and all you see is the choice between working hard and slacking off. There are so many adventures that you miss because you're waiting to think of a plan. To find them, look for tiny interesting choices. And remember that you are always making up the future as you go. ”
- Randall Munroe- Copy
- 3.3K
“ What we have once enjoyed we can never lose. All that we love deeply becomes a part of us. ”
- Helen Keller- Copy
- 2.7K
“ She was right about something else too," Dimitri said after a long pause. My back was to him, but there was a strange quality to his voice that made me turn around. "What's that?" I asked. "That I do still love you." With that one sentence, everything in the universe changed. ”
- Richelle Mead- Copy
- 4K
“ Everyday of your life is a another lesson. If you learn the lesson well and apply it; whether positive or negative, you determine what happens in your tomorrow. ”
- David Kofi Awusi- Copy
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“ Education must not simply teach work – it must teach Life. ”
- W. E. B. Du Bois- Copy
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“ Betrayal, Selfishness, Sly and many more! A kid is far away from understanding abstract nouns except one Love. ”
- Somya Kedia- Copy
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“ You have to be the bravest person in the world to go out every day, being yourself when no one likes who you are. ”
- Matthew- Copy
- 3.1K
“ To lovers out there… I have realized that even thou I can cook for myself . I can drive myself, and I can do lot of things for myself. It is always nice to be driven . I enjoyed food been coked by someone and its always nice when someone does the things for me. It is the same with Love. You can love yourself , but the best Love is when you get it from someone . When someone loves you back, even when you can love yourself. ”
- De philosopher DJ Kyos- Copy
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“ Love doesn't sit there like a stone, it has to be made, like bread: remade all the time, made new. ”
- Og Mandino- Copy
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“ Love yourself first and everything else falls into line. Your really have to love yourself to get anything done in this world. ”
- Lucille Ball- Copy
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“ Do the best, give the best and leave the rest to run after you! ”
- Garima Yonzon- Copy
“ Society will always be too fragile to accept us for all that makes us beautiful. ”
- robert m drake- Copy
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“ Anything under God's control is never out of control. ”
- Charles Swindoll- Copy
- 3.8K
“ Be Brave, Be Bold! Never allow fear to dictate your choices. Use your VOICE & trust in your abilities. ”
- Rosalie Bardo- Copy
- 1.7K
“ That which we persist in doing becomes easier to do, not that the nature of the thing has changed but that our power to do has increased. ”
- Ralph Waldo Emerson- Copy
- 2.6K
“ In case you never get a second chance: don't be afraid!" "And what if you do get a second chance?" "You take it! ”
- C. JoyBell C.- Copy
- 3.8K
“ As powerful as your genetic combination is in determining the outcome of your life, your decisions are more powerful. You will ultimately look like your decisions. ”
- Kingsley Opuwari Manuel- Copy
“ Where the willingness is great, the difficulties cannot be great. ”
- Niccolo Machiavelli- Copy
- 2.3K