Quotes of Angelique Arnauld


Perfection consists not in doing extraordinary things, but in doing ordinary things extraordinarily well.

- Angelique Arnauld

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“ No,' Nora said, almost in a whisper. 'It's because ' she looked carefully for the words 'you didn't stare at me. I saw you blush, and you immediately lowered your eyes. And I should have been embarrassed, ashamed... but I, I just felt safe, and I stood there unafraid.' She closed her eyes, taking in all the feelings of gratitude she had for that moment. 'That's when I knew I could trust you in a way that I didn't know was possible. ”

- Hani Selim

“ This new day is too dear, with its hopes and invitations, to waste a moment on the yesterdays. ”

- Ralph Waldo Emerson

“ In spite of everything I still believe that people are really good at heart. I simply can’t build up my hopes on a foundation consisting of confusion, misery and death. ”

- Anne Frank

“ the saddest thing is to be a minute to someone, when you've made them your eternity. ”

- Sanober Khan

“ Bagiku ada sesuatu yang paling berharga dan hakiki dalam kehidupan: 'dapat mencintai, dapat iba hati, dapat merasai kedukaan'. Tanpa itu semua maka kita tidak lebih dari benda. Berbahagialah orang yang masih mempunyai rasa cinta, yang belum sampai kehilangan benda yang paling bernilai itu. Kalau kita telah kehilangan itu maka absurdlah hidup kita. ”

- Soe Hok Gie

“ I think that I shall never see A poem lovely as a tree. A tree whose hungry mouth is pressed Against the earth's sweet flowing breast; A tree that looks at God all day And lifts her leafy arms to pray; A tree that may in summer wear A nest of robins in her hair; Upon whose bosom snow has lain; Who intimately lives with rain. Poems are made by fools like me, But only God can make a tree. ”

- Joyce Kilmer

“ If you love me as you say you do,' she whispered, 'make it so that I am at peace. ”

- Leo Tolstoy

“ It is our wounds that create in us a desire to reach for miracles. The fulfillment of such miracles depends on whether we let our wounds pull us down or lift us up towards our dreams. ”

- Jocelyn Soriano

“ If music be the food of love, play on. ”

- William Shakespeare

“ Where the willingness is great, the difficulties cannot be great. ”

- Niccolo Machiavelli

“ There are four basic human needs; food, sleep, sex and revenge. ”

- Banksy

“ That's a misconception, Lennie. The sky is everywhere, it begins at your feet. ”

- Jandy Nelson

“ When things do not go your way, remember that every challenge — every adversity — contains within it the seeds of opportunity and growth. ”

- Roy T. Bennett

“ I am convinced that one should tell one's spiritual director if one has a great desire for Communion, for Our Lord does not come from Heaven every day to stay in a golden ciborium; He comes to find another heaven, the heaven of our soul in which He loves to dwell. ”

- St. Therese of Lisieux

“ Tuhan kan nggak mungkin langsung sedekah ke orangorang, ya kalianlah sedekah duit kalau punya duit, sedekah ilmu, sedekah senyum. Masa sih kalau sudah gitu Tuhan gak bales cintamu? Tapi gak mungkin dia belaibelai langsung rambutmu, sentuh bibirmu. Maka Tuhan ciptakan “wakil”nya, yaitu pacarmu. Maka doalah, “Tuhan, semoga pacarku ini betulbetul orang yang kau pilihkan untukku. ”

- Sujiwo Tejo

“ Security is mostly a superstition. It does not exist in nature, nor do the children of men as a whole experience it. Avoiding danger is no safer in the long run than outright exposure. Life is either a daring adventure, or nothing. ”

- Helen Keller

“ Faith is to believe what you do not yet see; the reward for this faith is to see what you believe. ”

- Augustine of Hippo

“ We cannot have a world where everyone is a victim. "I'm this way because my father made me this way. I'm this way because my husband made me this way." Yes, we are indeed formed by traumas that happen to us. But then you must take charge, you must take over, you are responsible. ”

- Camille Paglia

“ There is nothing higher than love, and nothing lower than ignorance. ”

- Matshona Dhliwayo

“ And once the storm is over, you won’t remember how you made it through, how you managed to survive. You won’t even be sure, whether the storm is really over. But one thing is certain. When you come out of the storm, you won’t be the same person who walked in. That’s what this storm’s all about. ”

- Haruki Murakami

“ It is better to be respected than it is to be popular. Popularity ends on yearbook day, but respect lasts forever. ”

- John Bytheway

“ One rarely falls in love without being as much attracted to what is interestingly wrong with someone as what is objectively healthy. ”

- Alain de Botton

“ Attitude is a choice. Happiness is a choice. Optimism is a choice. Kindness is a choice. Giving is a choice. Respect is a choice. Whatever choice you make makes you. Choose wisely. ”

- Roy T. Bennett

“ Accepting personal responsibility for your life frees you from outside influences – increases your selfesteem – boosts confidence in your ability to decisions – and ultimately leads to achieve success in life. ”

- Roy T. Bennett

“ Do it big, do it right, and do it with style. ”

- Fried Astaire