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“ In meetings philosophy might work, on the field practicality works. ”
- Amit Kalantri- Copy
“ Anything under God's control is never out of control. ”
- Charles Swindoll- Copy
- 3.8K
“ Do not let your negative thoughts have power over you because those thoughts will end up controlling your life. No one can live a positive life with a negative mind. ”
- Roy T. Bennett- Copy
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“ If you care about someone enough, you’ll always be there for them no matter what. ”
- Roy T. Bennett- Copy
“ Armed with positive thoughts, it becomes easier to focus on your goals, while the opposite also holds true. ”
- Stephen Richards- Copy
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“ Visionary decisionmaking happens at the intersection of intuition and logic. ”
- Gandhi- Copy
“ The highest function of love is that it makes the loved one a unique and irreplaceable being. ”
- Tom Robbins- Copy
- 1K
“ Keep your face always toward the sunshine and shadows will fall behind you. ”
- Walt Whitman- Copy
- 1.8K
“ To being far away from everything and everyone Stefanie Sybens, Letters from the WhatWentBefore ”
- Stefanie Sybens- Copy
“ You have to be the bravest person in the world to go out every day, being yourself when no one likes who you are. ”
- Matthew- Copy
- 3.1K
“ What you meet in another being is the projection of your own level of evolution. ”
- Ram Dass- Copy
- 2K
“ Success is not how high you have climbed, but how you make a positive difference to the world. ”
- Roy T. Bennett- Copy
- 1.3K
“ Woman is a delicate creature with strong emotions who has been created by the Almighty God to shoulder responsibility for educating society and moving toward perfection. God created woman as symbol of His own beauty and to give solace to her partner and her family. ”
- Ali Ibn Abi Talib A.S- Copy
- 3.6K
“ One chooses who they decide to love but never determines who will love them back. The woman’s first two considerations are respect and financial security which centers on the core of personality traits; a man reveres persona of physical and sexuality; these two impostors have little relevance of character. ”
- RJ Intindola- Copy
- 32
“ There are times in life which proves life is wife and wife is life. ”
- Fahad Basheer- Copy
- 3.6K
“ I am convinced that one should tell one's spiritual director if one has a great desire for Communion, for Our Lord does not come from Heaven every day to stay in a golden ciborium; He comes to find another heaven, the heaven of our soul in which He loves to dwell. ”
- St. Therese of Lisieux- Copy
“ How would your life be different if…You stopped allowing other people to dilute or poison your day with their words or opinions? Let today be the day…You stand strong in the truth of your beauty and journey through your day without attachment to the validation of others ”
- Steve Maraboli- Copy
- 2.4K
“ How many slams in an old screen door? Depends how loud you shut it. How many slices in a bread? Depends how thin you cut it. How much good inside a day? Depends how good you live 'em. How much love inside a friend? Depends how much you give 'em. ”
- Shel Silverstein- Copy
- 2.2K
“ Eventually you will come to understand that love heals everything, and love is all there is. ”
- Gary Zukav- Copy
- 1.5K