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“ If you are depressed, you are living in the past. If you are anxious, you are living in the future. If you are at peace, you are living in the present ”
- Lao tzu- Copy
“ There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle. ”
- Albert Einstein- Copy
- 2K
“ About all you can do in life is be who you are. Some people will love you for you. Most will love you for what you can do for them, and some won't like you at all. ”
- Rita Mae Brown- Copy
- 1.3K
“ I held my heart back from positively accepting anything, since I was afraid of another fall, and in this condition of suspense I was being all the more killed. ”
- St. Augustine of Hippo- Copy
- 1.3K
“ I will not let anyone walk through my mind with their dirty feet. ”
- Mahatma Gandhi- Copy
- 1.9K
“ Sometimes when I'm alone, I take the pearl from where it lives in my pocket and try to remember the boy with the bread, the strong arms that warded off nightmares on the train, the kisses in the arena. ”
- Suzanne Collins- Copy
- 890
“ Ethical veganism results in a profound revolution within the individual; a complete rejection of the paradigm of oppression and violence that she has been taught from childhood to accept as the natural order. It changes her life and the lives of those with whom she shares this vision of nonviolence. Ethical veganism is anything but passive; on the contrary, it is the active refusal to cooperate with injustice ”
- GaryLFrancione- Copy
“ Whether you know or not, you are the infinite potential of love, peace and joy ”
- Amit Ray- Copy
- 39
“ If I envision a just, fair future, I must behave justly and fairly today. ”
- Elena Aguilar- Copy
- 3.5K
“ Sometimes, as we're stumbling along in the dark, we hit something good. ”
- Susan Ee- Copy
- 1.3K
“ How many slams in an old screen door? Depends how loud you shut it. How many slices in a bread? Depends how thin you cut it. How much good inside a day? Depends how good you live 'em. How much love inside a friend? Depends how much you give 'em. ”
- Shel Silverstein- Copy
- 2.2K
“ Do you ever put your arms out and just spin and spin and spin? Well, that’s what love is like. Everything inside of you tells you to stop before you fall, but you just keep going. ”
- Practical Magic- Copy
- 1.8K
“ It is better to be respected than it is to be popular. Popularity ends on yearbook day, but respect lasts forever. ”
- John Bytheway- Copy
- 3K
“ He made me feel the infinite number of feelings, In which I lost myself. ”
- Luffina Lourduraj- Copy
- 77
“ Ladies, it’s harvest time!!! Take care of your crops, water them and weed them out. ”
- Charlena E. Jackson- Copy
- 1.3K
“ Love cannot be hidden. It even shines in the darkest places." ~ Carla Olson Gade, The Shadow Catcher's Daughter ”
- Carla Olson Gade- Copy