Quotes of Marcia Wieder


Stay Engaged and Active.

- Marcia Wieder

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“ I try to avoid looking forward or backward, and try to keep looking upward. ”

- Charlotte Bronte

“ Do you ever put your arms out and just spin and spin and spin? Well, that’s what love is like. Everything inside of you tells you to stop before you fall, but you just keep going. ”

- Practical Magic

“ Glorious indeed is the world of God around us, but more glorious the world of God within us. ”

- Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

“ Love shapes who you are in many ways. Its presence or absence in our youth impacts our adulthood, which impacts our future generations; the cycle has to be restarted somewhere. ”

- Hani Selim

“ Eventually you will come to understand that love heals everything, and love is all there is. ”

- Gary Zukav

“ The art of existence is to find a sensation of spiritual expansion that makes you larger than existence itself. ”

- Talismanist Giebra

“ Nothing is so firmly believed as that which we least know. ”

- Michel de Montaigne

“ Tomorrow I will run more courageously, more outrageously. ”

- Talismanist Giebra

“ When you know my love, my love will warm you. ”

- Ruby Dee

“ I can't make someone stay, but I can make me stay with someone. A successful relationship needs a constant decision to remain committed. ”

- Jeffrey Alcuizar Igot

“ Such is my relationship with God: on my gigantic canvass of life, I am the one throwing all of the brightlycolored paints, creating genuine splatters, authentic whirlpools of color, beautiful patterns, wonderful streaks and stains and wild accents; God is the one with the paintbrush who stands beside my canvass filling all the intricate and amazing details in between the whirlpools and the streaks! We're happy together! ”

- C. JoyBell C.

“ Leaders in OVER their heads is the mere result of getting ahead of their intended SEASON. ”

- John Paul Warren

“ Love brings to light a lover's noble and hidden qualitieshis rare and exceptional traits: it is thus liable to be deceptive of his normal qualities. ”

- Friedrich Nietzsche

“ There is the great lesson of 'Beauty and the Beast,' that a thing must be loved before it is lovable. ”

- Chesterton

“ Anything I ever did for a person was out of love, nobody can ever finesse me. ”

- Genereux Philip

“ It takes courage to be honest and to work, while others play, cheat, sponge like parasites or are idle. There is value in the work that you choose to do, and you are an innately valuable person. ”

- Zita Steele

“ I love women, but I feel like you can’t trust some of them. Some of them are liars, you know? Like I was in the park and I met this girl, she was cute and she had a dog. And I went up to her, we started talking. She told me her dog’s name. Then I said, ‘Does he bite?’ She said, ‘No.’ And I said, ‘Oh yeah? Then how does he eat?’ Liar. ”

- Demetri Martin

“ When people think they know you and put you in a box, keep growing and give them the box. ”

- Jackie Griffin

“ The brain is a wonderful organ. It starts working the moment you get up in the morning and does not stop until you get into the office. ”

- Robert Frost

“ Mysteries of attraction could not always be explained through logic. Sometimes the fractures in two separate souls became the very hinges that held them together. ”

- Lisa Kleypas

“ Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever. ”

- Mahatma Gandhi

“ I just...I just miss him. And I hate being so alone. ”

- Suzanne Collins

“ As an African elite, look within and ask, what can I do to change the present African narratives? What niche can I carve and do my uncompromising best to lift this continent? For my sake and for the sake of my children Jumoke Odepe ”

- Jumoke Odepe