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“ About all you can do in life is be who you are. Some people will love you for you. Most will love you for what you can do for them, and some won't like you at all. ”
- Rita Mae Brown- Copy
- 1.3K
“ The key to success is not through achievement but through enthusiasm. ”
- Malcolm Forbes- Copy
- 2.9K
“ Armed with positive thoughts, it becomes easier to focus on your goals, while the opposite also holds true. ”
- Stephen Richards- Copy
- 762
“ The little unremembered acts of kindness and love are the best parts of a person’s life. ”
- William Wordsworth- Copy
- 697
“ When love comes like that, all you can do is surrender, to lay down your arms and submit to the will of those who would love you. For in denying it, you face only regret. ”
- Michael Kilman- Copy
- 3.4K
“ Bagiku ada sesuatu yang paling berharga dan hakiki dalam kehidupan: 'dapat mencintai, dapat iba hati, dapat merasai kedukaan'. Tanpa itu semua maka kita tidak lebih dari benda. Berbahagialah orang yang masih mempunyai rasa cinta, yang belum sampai kehilangan benda yang paling bernilai itu. Kalau kita telah kehilangan itu maka absurdlah hidup kita. ”
- Soe Hok Gie- Copy
“ Every man is a boyfriend. But some people do not have the ability to become husbands. ”
- Sajal Ahmed- Copy
- 3.9K
“ Tucker strokes my hair. There's something so tender about the gesture. It might as well have been him whispering I love you. ”
- Cynthia Hand- Copy
- 3.4K
“ Attitude is a choice. Happiness is a choice. Optimism is a choice. Kindness is a choice. Giving is a choice. Respect is a choice. Whatever choice you make makes you. Choose wisely. ”
- Roy T. Bennett- Copy
- 3.5K
“ Don't be pushed by your problems;be led by your dreams. Believe in you. ”
- Vasso Charalambous- Copy
- 794
“ Caution not spirit, let it roam wild; for in that natural state dance embraces divine frequency. ”
- Shah Asad Rizvi- Copy
“ Let no one who loves be called unhappy. Even love unreturned has its rainbow. ”
- J. M. Barrie- Copy
- 366
“ When you want to succeed as bad as you want to breathe, then you’ll be successful. ”
- Eric Thomas- Copy
- 2.1K
“ Do not let your negative thoughts have power over you because those thoughts will end up controlling your life. No one can live a positive life with a negative mind. ”
- Roy T. Bennett- Copy
- 224
“ Sometimes we may feel disheartened and demoralized but we must keep faith in ourselves. We may be going through a lot of ups and downs in our life. But we must realise that growth begins from chaos! ”
- Avijeet Das- Copy
- 1
“ Keep away from small people who try to belittle your ambitions. Small people always do that, but the really great make you feel that you, too, can become great. ”
- Mark Twain- Copy
- 1.3K