Quotes of William Harvey


All we know is still infinitely less than all that remains unknown.

- William Harvey

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“ I have come from the End of the World. From the River of Dreams, through the gauntlet and the Briar and the Deep Wyld, in order to stand before you today. I have but one request—to take my place at your side. To resume my duty as your knight, and to protect you and your kingdom for as long as I draw breath. ”

- Julie Kagawa

“ Motorbike Poem by Malay Roy Choudhury I am on motorbike yezdi yamaha when flanked by horizon gallop backwards through sand blizzard tinsel clouds explode at my feet without helmet and speedsplit air at eighty in midsummer simoon each soundcart recedes onrushing lorries flee in a flash No time to brood but Yes accident expected anytime may even turn into a junkheap in a droughtnursed field. Translation of Bengali original 'Motor Cycle ”

- Malay Roychoudhury

“ When things do not go your way, remember that every challenge — every adversity — contains within it the seeds of opportunity and growth. ”

- Roy T. Bennett

“ What I stand for is what I stand on. ”

- Wendell Berry

“ Our children will be counted, and justice will be served. Our babies deserve a fair chance at life. We are our children’s groundbreakers; therefore, we cannot give up. We might run out of breath but we must have the willpower when moving forward to fight for our children’s voices to be heard. Bullying is not accepted ”

- Charlena E. Jackson

“ Mysteries of attraction could not always be explained through logic. Sometimes the fractures in two separate souls became the very hinges that held them together. ”

- Lisa Kleypas

“ Each of us is an innkeeper who decides if there is room for Jesus! ”

- Neal A. Maxwell

“ Your environment will eat your goals and plans for breakfast. ”

- Steve Pavlina

“ and then I look deep into your eyes and we melt into each other and enjoy that melting, like those things that belong together... (fragment from Passion beneath, chapter Passion) ”

- Claudia Pavel

“ The way you handle fear determines the results you have in life. If you are equipped with knowledge, you can overcome fear ”

- H. J. Chammas

“ An idea can turn to dust or magic, depending on the talent that rubs against it. ”

- William Bernbach

“ To the wellorganized mind, death is but the next great adventure. ”

- J.K. Rowling

“ A mother takes twenty years to make a man of her boy, and another woman makes a fool of him in twenty minutes. ”

- Robert Frost

“ When I was a little girl I used to read fairy tales. In fairy tales you meet Prince Charming and he's everything you ever wanted. In fairy tales the bad guy is very easy to spot. The bad guy is always wearing a black cape so you always know who he is. Then you grow up and you realize that Prince Charming is not as easy to find as you thought. You realize the bad guy is not wearing a black cape and he's not easy to spot; he's really funny, and he makes you laugh, and he has perfect hair. ”

- Taylor Swift

“ The road to success is always under construction. ”

- Steve Maraboli

“ To lovers out there… I have realized that even thou I can cook for myself . I can drive myself, and I can do lot of things for myself. It is always nice to be driven . I enjoyed food been coked by someone and its always nice when someone does the things for me. It is the same with Love. You can love yourself , but the best Love is when you get it from someone . When someone loves you back, even when you can love yourself. ”

- De philosopher DJ Kyos

“ It’s not bragging if you can back it up. ”

- Muhammad Ali

“ Remember, darkness does not always equate to evil, just as light does not always bring good. ”

- P.C. Cast

“ I felt overwhelmed. I didn’t expect a first kiss to be so…life altering. In a few brief moments, the rule book of my universe had been rewritten. Suddenly I was a brand new person. I was as fragile as a newborn, but instead of the doctor placing me in my mother’s arms, he’d put me in Ren’s. What would Ren do with me? Would he draw me near, soothe me, and teach me about this new world or would he reject me and tell the doctor there must be some mistake. There was no way to know. What a breakable and delicate thing a heart was, no wonder I’d kept mine locked away. ”

- Colleen Houck

“ So don't you worry your pretty little mind because people throw rocks at things that shine. [Ours] ”

- Taylor Swift

“ Be Brave, Be Bold! Never allow fear to dictate your choices. Use your VOICE & trust in your abilities. ”

- Rosalie Bardo

“ I hope she'll be a fool that's the best thing a girl can be in this world, a beautiful little fool. ”

- F. Scott Fitzgerald

“ Better to have, and not need, than to need, and not have. ”

- Franz Kafka

“ Her smile was innocent and naive as if she didn’t know anything other than to love and be kind to others. ”

- Mariyam Hasnain