Quotes of Theodore Tronchin


In medicine sins of commission are mortal, sins of omission are venial.

- Theodore Tronchin

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“ One thing I learned out of all these years is nobody really riding wit you like they say n I’ll always keep my guard up cause of all the fuckery. ”

- Genereux Philip

“ We don’t really care for things that we get easily in life. Life always needs to be served hot. ”

- Subhasis Das

“ If you think in terms of a year, plant a seed; if in terms of ten years, plant trees; if in terms of 100 years, teach the people. ”

- Confucius

“ Where there’s marriage without love, there will be love without marriage. ”

- Benjamin Franklin

“ I think that I shall never see A poem lovely as a tree. A tree whose hungry mouth is pressed Against the earth's sweet flowing breast; A tree that looks at God all day And lifts her leafy arms to pray; A tree that may in summer wear A nest of robins in her hair; Upon whose bosom snow has lain; Who intimately lives with rain. Poems are made by fools like me, But only God can make a tree. ”

- Joyce Kilmer

“ Close your eyes, take your time and listen. ”

- Maxime Lagacé

“ Nothing can bring a real sense of security into the home except true love. ”

- Billy Graham

“ The only love that I really believe in is a mother’s love for her children. ”

- Karl Lagerfeld

“ the saddest thing is to be a minute to someone, when you've made them your eternity. ”

- Sanober Khan

“ My concern is not whether God is on our side; my greatest concern is to be on God's side, for God is always right. ”

- Abraham Lincoln

“ When love is real. You both will do whatever you can to build and construct a solid relationship. It will be hard work but it's possible, We all come with pros and cons. If it's real, it will never be over. ”

- Katherine Vargas

“ Keep love in your heart. A life without it is like a sunless garden when the flowers are dead. The consciousness of loving and being loved brings a warmth and a richness to life that nothing else can bring. ”

- Oscar Wilde

“ When you judge another, you do not define them, you define yourself. ”

- Wayne Dyer

“ Love brings to light a lover's noble and hidden qualitieshis rare and exceptional traits: it is thus liable to be deceptive of his normal qualities. ”

- Friedrich Nietzsche

“ feeling upset? look up a lover ”

- Arif Naseem

“ Spend the afternoon, you can't take it with you. ”

- Annie Dillard

“ Anything that makes weak physically, intellectually and spiritually, reject it as poison. ”

- Swami Vivekananda

“ Remember when your heart is empty, don’t fill it with lies and deception. ”

- RJ Intindola

“ True love is not so much a matter of romance as it is a matter of anxious concern for the wellbeing of one's companion. ”

- Gordon B. Hinckley

“ I find it odd the greed of mankind. People only like you for as long as they perceive they can get what they want from you. Or for as long as they perceive you are who they want you to be. But I like people for all of their changing surprises, the thoughts in their heads, the warmth that changes to cold and the cold that changes to warmth... for being human. The rawness of being human delights me. ”

- C. JoyBell C.

“ A lack of clarity could put the brakes on any journey to success. ”

- Steve Maraboli

“ Be brave. Don't just live in your cave till your grave. ”


“ Are you asking me to undress, Tris?' A nervous laugh gurgles from my throat. 'Only ... partially ”

- Veronica Roth