Quotes of Gandhi


When we were children, we used to think that when we were grown-up we would no longer be vulnerable. But to grow up is to accept vulnerability... To be alive is to be vulnerable.

- Gandhi

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“ Love life and life will love you back. Love people and they will love you back. ”

- Arthur Rubenstein

“ Sometimes, as we're stumbling along in the dark, we hit something good. ”

- Susan Ee

“ Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever. ”

- Mahatma Gandhi

“ One rarely falls in love without being as much attracted to what is interestingly wrong with someone as what is objectively healthy. ”

- Alain de Botton

“ When you are content to be simply yourself and don’t compare or compete, everybody will respect you. ”

- Plato

“ Your environment will eat your goals and plans for breakfast. ”

- Steve Pavlina

“ To pay gratitude, sign of generosity. ”

- Shekhar Srivastava

“ Unless you love someone, nothing else makes sense. ”

- e.e. cummings

“ The way you handle fear determines the results you have in life. If you are equipped with knowledge, you can overcome fear ”

- H. J. Chammas

“ Love doesn't just sit there, like a stone, it has to be made, like bread; remade all the time, made new. ”

- Ursula K. Le Guin

“ If you can dream it, you can do it. Always remember that this whole thing was started with a dream and a mouse. ”

- Walt Disney

“ Pet names are a persistant remnant of childhood, a reminder that life is not always so serious, so formal, so complicated. They are a reminder, too, that one is not all things to all people. ”

- Jhumpa Lahiri

“ What you meet in another being is the projection of your own level of evolution. ”

- Ram Dass

“ Willingness to show we are interested in our children’s needs takes the burden and worries off their minds. It shows compassion on our end, and it builds trust on their end. ”

- Charlena E. Jackson

“ If you love me as you say you do,' she whispered, 'make it so that I am at peace. ”

- Leo Tolstoy

“ Your big opportunity may be right where you are now. ”

- Napoleon Hill

“ Love touched her heart, and lo! It beats high, and burns with such brave hearts. ”

- Richard Crawshaw

“ You can never plan the future by the past. ”

- Edmund Burke

“ May I share with you a formula that in my judgment will help you and help me to journey well through mortality... First, fill your mind with truth; second, fill your life with service; and third, fill your heart with love. ”

- Thomas S. Monson

“ I've always kept one emotional suitcase packed. With you, I live out of one, every day, and I keep a cab on speed dial. ”

- Heather Angelika Dooley

“ Never make someone a priority when all you are to them is an option. ”

- Maya Angelou

“ Morning is when the wick is lit. A flame ignited, the day delighted with heat and light, we start the fight for something more than before. ”

- Jeb Dickerson

“ I keep thinking about this river somewhere, with the water moving really fast. And these two people in the water, trying to hold onto each other, holding on as hard as they can, but in the end it’s just too much. The current’s too strong. They’ve got to let go, drift apart. ”

- Kazuo Ishiguro

“ Whether you know or not, you are the infinite potential of love, peace and joy ”

- Amit Ray