Quotes of Theodore Tronchin


In medicine sins of commission are mortal, sins of omission are venial.

- Theodore Tronchin

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“ We will either find a way, or make one. ”

- Hannibal

“ Every risk bears with it the seeds of an opportunity: failure success, fall rise, and setback comeback. ”


“ If our love isn't written in the stars, Why the very moment we truly locked eyes for the first time does one fly straight by. There's something to be said about twinsouls and meeting eye to eye, the soul ignites its fire for the very first time. ”

- Nikki Rowe

“ It’s time to care; it’s time to take responsibility; it’s time to lead; it’s time for a change; it’s time to be true to our greatest self; it’s time to stop blaming others. ”

- Steve Maraboli

“ Life is an abstract art, and it’s up to you to make sense of it. ”

- Talismanist Giebra

“ No,' Nora said, almost in a whisper. 'It's because ' she looked carefully for the words 'you didn't stare at me. I saw you blush, and you immediately lowered your eyes. And I should have been embarrassed, ashamed... but I, I just felt safe, and I stood there unafraid.' She closed her eyes, taking in all the feelings of gratitude she had for that moment. 'That's when I knew I could trust you in a way that I didn't know was possible. ”

- Hani Selim

“ Remembering that you are going to die is the best way I know to avoid the trap of thinking you have something to lose. ”

- Unknown

“ Never run from the truth. It is always there; it never changes – save your energy. ”

- Steve Maraboli

“ Though lovers be lost love shall not. ”

- Dylan Thomas

“ I find it odd the greed of mankind. People only like you for as long as they perceive they can get what they want from you. Or for as long as they perceive you are who they want you to be. But I like people for all of their changing surprises, the thoughts in their heads, the warmth that changes to cold and the cold that changes to warmth... for being human. The rawness of being human delights me. ”

- C. JoyBell C.

“ Confidence is how we perceive the manifestation of truth in us. ”

- Mike Stagnitta

“ One thing I learned out of all these years is nobody really riding wit you like they say n I’ll always keep my guard up cause of all the fuckery. ”

- Genereux Philip

“ Perfection does not exist you can always do better and you can always grow. ”

- Les Brown

“ My mama always used to tell me: ‘If you can’t find somethin’ to live for, you best find somethin’ to die for.’ ”

- Tupac Shakur

“ Life is never made unbearable by circumstances, but only by lack of meaning and purpose. ”

- Victor Frankl

“ Buy a pup and your money will buy Love unflinching that cannot lie. ”

- Rudyard Kipling

“ Defeat is not the worst of failures. Not to have tried is the true failure. ”

- George Edward Woodberry

“ Fairies with gossamer wings, Bring forth beauty, grace and joyful things. Fairies of the earth are caretakers of our soil, water and trees, They watch over beautiful creatures such as bears, bunnies and bees. Fairies ask that you breathe in and appreciate the vantage point from which you stand, Then trod carefully and respectfully with each intentional step you make across this beautiful land. ”

- Molly Friedenfeld

“ Remember, if you don’t do anything – if you don’t change the way your mind works and direct your subconscious mind to create the life you want – then everything stays the same, nothing changes. ”

- Steve Backley

“ and then I look deep into your eyes and we melt into each other and enjoy that melting, like those things that belong together... (fragment from Passion beneath, chapter Passion) ”

- Claudia Pavel

“ The art of existence is to find a sensation of spiritual expansion that makes you larger than existence itself. ”

- Talismanist Giebra

“ When love comes like that, all you can do is surrender, to lay down your arms and submit to the will of those who would love you. For in denying it, you face only regret. ”

- Michael Kilman

“ At the touch of love everyone becomes a poet. ”

- Plato

“ If music be the food of love, play on. ”

- William Shakespeare

“ It is better to be respected than it is to be popular. Popularity ends on yearbook day, but respect lasts forever. ”

- John Bytheway