Quotes of J. K. Rowling


Climbing out of poverty by your own efforts that is something on which to pride yourself, but poverty itself is romanticized only by fools.

- J. K. Rowling

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“ Life is a series of pulls back and forth... A tension of opposites, like a pull on a rubber band. Most of us live somewhere in the middle. A wrestling match...Which side win? Love wins. Love always wins ”

- Mitch Albom

“ Anything under God's control is never out of control. ”

- Charles Swindoll

“ You are everything I never knew I always wanted. ”

- Fools Rush In

“ Love is blind, they say–but isn’t it more that love makes us see too much? Isn’t it more that love floods our brain with sights and sounds, so that everything looks bigger, brighter, more lovely than ever before? ”

- Susan Fletcher Eve Green

“ Keep your face always toward the sunshine and shadows will fall behind you. ”

- Walt Whitman

“ Fake it 'till you make it. ”

- Gayle Forman

“ Rise as a human being live as a legend work as a Messiah and you shall see the bright glorious change all around you. ”

- Abhijit Naskar

“ There are two ways of meeting difficulties: you alter the difficulties, or you alter yourself to meet them. ”

- Phyllis Bottome

“ Sometimes we may feel disheartened and demoralized but we must keep faith in ourselves. We may be going through a lot of ups and downs in our life. But we must realise that growth begins from chaos! ”

- Avijeet Das

“ Caution not spirit, let it roam wild; for in that natural state dance embraces divine frequency. ”

- Shah Asad Rizvi

“ Tuhan kan nggak mungkin langsung sedekah ke orangorang, ya kalianlah sedekah duit kalau punya duit, sedekah ilmu, sedekah senyum. Masa sih kalau sudah gitu Tuhan gak bales cintamu? Tapi gak mungkin dia belaibelai langsung rambutmu, sentuh bibirmu. Maka Tuhan ciptakan “wakil”nya, yaitu pacarmu. Maka doalah, “Tuhan, semoga pacarku ini betulbetul orang yang kau pilihkan untukku. ”

- Sujiwo Tejo

“ I keep thinking about this river somewhere, with the water moving really fast. And these two people in the water, trying to hold onto each other, holding on as hard as they can, but in the end it’s just too much. The current’s too strong. They’ve got to let go, drift apart. ”

- Kazuo Ishiguro

“ You don't need a million dollars in the bank. You just have to have passion, hustle and drive ”

- Daymond John

“ We will either find a way, or make one. ”

- Hannibal

“ Your past, including your failures, simply offers feedback that makes you wiser and stronger than before. ”

- Brittany Burgunder

“ Tough times never last. Tough people do ”

- Robert Schuller

“ Never run from the truth. It is always there; it never changes – save your energy. ”

- Steve Maraboli

“ There are four basic human needs; food, sleep, sex and revenge. ”

- Banksy


- Genereux Philip

“ Every risk bears with it the seeds of an opportunity: failure success, fall rise, and setback comeback. ”


“ A real decision is measured by the fact that you've taken a new action. If there's no action, you haven't truly decided. ”

- Anthony Robbins

“ If you can imagine it, you can achieve it. If you can dream it, you can become it. ”

- William Arthur Ward

“ Don't waste your love on somebody, who doesn't value it. ”

- William Shakespeare

“ Desire is the starting point of all achievement, not a hope, not a wish, but a keen pulsating desire which transcends everything. ”

- Napoleon Hill