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“ The whole image is that eternal suffering awaits anyone who questions God's infinite love. That's the message we're brought up with, isn't it? Believe or die! Thank you, forgiving Lord, for all those options. ”
- Bill Hicks- Copy
- 506
“ Eventually you will come to understand that love heals everything, and love is all there is. ”
- Gary Zukav- Copy
- 1.5K
“ I will not let anyone walk through my mind with their dirty feet. ”
- Mahatma Gandhi- Copy
- 1.9K
“ I thought it (love) meant like you hold out your hand and someone takes it, holds it hard, and pulls you safe from the river. You talk. You tell him bits of yourself. You say here's where I hurt and you give it to him and he holds it and gives you where he hurts in return and you hold it and that's how you learn to love. ”
- Elizabeth George- Copy
- 3.8K
“ To lovers out there… We love and what when we cannot love anymore. We Leave. We don’t fight, abuse, Violet, Beat, Bruise, Emotional drained and blackmail, Rape, Kill, Poison, Hurt, distress, torment , lie about other person to destroy their reputation and to hurt them back. We leave the ones that hurt and that don’t appreciate us to find better ones that we will love and they will love us back ”
- De philosopher DJ Kyos- Copy
- 1.1K
“ Love thy neighbor — and if he happens to be tall, debonair and devastating, it will be that much easier. ”
- Mae West- Copy
- 1.6K
“ When things do not go your way, remember that every challenge — every adversity — contains within it the seeds of opportunity and growth. ”
- Roy T. Bennett- Copy
“ My love for you does not recognize boundaries, distances, borders, or timezones! ”
- Avijeet Das- Copy
- 2.9K
“ The difference between the love of a man and the love of a woman is that a man will always give reasons for loving, but a woman gives no reasons for loving. ”
- Fulton J. Sheen- Copy
- 3.7K
“ If you really want to do something, you'll find a way. If you don't, you'll find an excuse. ”
- Jim Rohn- Copy
- 909
“ ...most of the time, all you have is the moment, and the imperfect love of the people around you. ”
- Anne Lamott- Copy
- 2.3K
“ I know that the whole point—the only point—is to find the things that matter, and hold on to them, and fight for them, and refuse to let them go. ”
- Lauren Oliver- Copy
- 869
“ Be Brave, Be Bold! Never allow fear to dictate your choices. Use your VOICE & trust in your abilities. ”
- Rosalie Bardo- Copy
- 1.7K
“ Enmity builds walls; love builds bridges. Enlightenment is the highway to world peace. ”
- Matshona Dhliwayo- Copy
- 3.8K
“ We always see our worst selves. Our most vulnerable selves. We need someone else to get close enough to tell us we’re wrong. Someone we trust. ”
- David Levithan- Copy
- 2.9K
“ Where you go, I shall go; where you die, I shall die, and there will I be buried. ”
- Rosamund Hodge- Copy
- 3K
“ Everyday of your life is a another lesson. If you learn the lesson well and apply it; whether positive or negative, you determine what happens in your tomorrow. ”
- David Kofi Awusi- Copy
- 3K
“ Do your duty and a little more and the future will take care of itself. ”
- Andrew Carnegie- Copy
- 4K
“ Life is good! It is only our thoughts, choices and actions towards the situations we meet in life each moment of time that makes life look bad! The same bad situation in life that makes one person think badly inspires another to do a noble thing! The same good situation in life that makes one person feel so good to get into a bad situation inspires another person to create another good situation because of the good situation. It is all about thoughts, choices and actions! Life is good! Live it well! ”
- Ernest Agyemang Yeboah- Copy
“ In the deepest hour of the night, confess to yourself that you would die if you were forbidden to write. And look deep into your heart where it spreads its roots, the answer, and ask yourself, must I write? ”
- Rainer Maria Rilke- Copy
- 3K
“ Betrayal, Selfishness, Sly and many more! A kid is far away from understanding abstract nouns except one Love. ”
- Somya Kedia- Copy
- 2.2K