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“ Tomorrow I will run more courageously, more outrageously. ”
- Talismanist Giebra- Copy
- 3.2K
“ My mama always used to tell me: ‘If you can’t find somethin’ to live for, you best find somethin’ to die for.’ ”
- Tupac Shakur- Copy
- 267
“ If you fuel your journey on the opinions of others, you are going to run out of gas. ”
- Steve Maraboli- Copy
- 1.1K
“ Perfect love casts out fear. Where there is love there are no demands, no expectations, no dependency. I do not demand that you make me happy; my happiness does not lie in you. If you were to leave me, I will not feel sorry for myself; I enjoy your company immensely, but I do not cling. ”
- Anthony de Mello- Copy
- 3.9K
“ Love is a fire. But whether it is going to warm your hearth or burn down your house, you can never tell. ”
- Joan Crawford- Copy
- 2.8K
“ ?Life is a shipwreck, but we must not forget to sing in the lifeboats. ”
- Voltaire- Copy
- 2.8K
“ Life is good! It is only our thoughts, choices and actions towards the situations we meet in life each moment of time that makes life look bad! The same bad situation in life that makes one person think badly inspires another to do a noble thing! The same good situation in life that makes one person feel so good to get into a bad situation inspires another person to create another good situation because of the good situation. It is all about thoughts, choices and actions! Life is good! Live it well! ”
- Ernest Agyemang Yeboah- Copy
“ I do love nothing in the world so well as you is not that strange? ”
- William Shakespeare- Copy
- 2.4K
“ If you want a future that makes you happy, if you want a world that you’re excited about, get your ass out there and earn it. ”
- Tom Bilyeu- Copy
- 3.9K
“ She was right about something else too," Dimitri said after a long pause. My back was to him, but there was a strange quality to his voice that made me turn around. "What's that?" I asked. "That I do still love you." With that one sentence, everything in the universe changed. ”
- Richelle Mead- Copy
- 4K
“ May I share with you a formula that in my judgment will help you and help me to journey well through mortality... First, fill your mind with truth; second, fill your life with service; and third, fill your heart with love. ”
- Thomas S. Monson- Copy
- 2.4K
“ Desire is the starting point of all achievement, not a hope, not a wish, but a keen pulsating desire which transcends everything. ”
- Napoleon Hill- Copy
- 4K
“ Everyday of your life is a another lesson. If you learn the lesson well and apply it; whether positive or negative, you determine what happens in your tomorrow. ”
- David Kofi Awusi- Copy
- 3K
“ Defeat is not the worst of failures. Not to have tried is the true failure. ”
- George Edward Woodberry- Copy
- 1.3K
“ If you care about someone enough, you’ll always be there for them no matter what. ”
- Roy T. Bennett- Copy
“ One chooses who they decide to love but never determines who will love them back. The woman’s first two considerations are respect and financial security which centers on the core of personality traits; a man reveres persona of physical and sexuality; these two impostors have little relevance of character. ”
- RJ Intindola- Copy
- 32
“ Avoid loud and aggressive persons, they are vexations to the spirit. ”
- Max Ehrmann- Copy
- 2.3K
“ Love is an endless mystery, because there is no reasonable cause that could explain it. ”
- Rabindranath Tagore- Copy
- 2.6K