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“ There is real magic in enthusiasm. It spells the difference between mediocrity and accomplishment ”
- Norman Vincent Peale- Copy
- 826
“ I will be generous with my love today. I will sprinkle compliments and uplifting words everywhere I go. I will do this knowing that my words are like seeds and when they fall on fertile soil, a reflection of those seeds will grow into something greater. ”
- Steve Maraboli- Copy
- 1.3K
“ But if you love and must needs have desires, let these be your desires: To melt and be like a running brook that sings its melody to the night. To know the pain of too much tenderness. To be wounded by your own understanding of love; And to bleed willingly and joyfully. To wake at dawn with a winged heart and give thanks for another day of loving; To rest at noon hour and meditate love's ecstasy; To return home at eventide with gratitude; And then to sleep with a prayer for the beloved in your heart and a song of praise on your lips. ”
- Kahlil Gibran- Copy
- 243
“ Life is a series of pulls back and forth... A tension of opposites, like a pull on a rubber band. Most of us live somewhere in the middle. A wrestling match...Which side win? Love wins. Love always wins ”
- Mitch Albom- Copy
- 3.2K
“ We should have more reasons to smile than to cry. You will be surprised, even the saddest things could result in something to smile about. ”
- 291
“ I think romantic love evolved to enable you to focus your mating energy on just one individual at a time, thereby conserving mating time and energy. ”
- Helen Fisher- Copy
- 2K
“ Woman is a delicate creature with strong emotions who has been created by the Almighty God to shoulder responsibility for educating society and moving toward perfection. God created woman as symbol of His own beauty and to give solace to her partner and her family. ”
- Ali Ibn Abi Talib A.S- Copy
- 3.6K
“ Motorbike Poem by Malay Roy Choudhury I am on motorbike yezdi yamaha when flanked by horizon gallop backwards through sand blizzard tinsel clouds explode at my feet without helmet and speedsplit air at eighty in midsummer simoon each soundcart recedes onrushing lorries flee in a flash No time to brood but Yes accident expected anytime may even turn into a junkheap in a droughtnursed field. Translation of Bengali original 'Motor Cycle ”
- Malay Roychoudhury- Copy
- 153
“ There is more to sex appeal than just measurements. I don’t need a bedroom to prove my womanliness. I can convey just as much sex appeal, picking apples off a tree or standing in the rain. ”
- Audrey Hepburn- Copy
- 1.6K
“ Nothing is so firmly believed as that which we least know. ”
- Michel de Montaigne- Copy
- 427
“ The only time we can effect an action is now. So learn from the past, have a vision for your future but act NOW. Today will soon be your past so don’t miss your present. ? ”
- Andrea McGibbon- Copy
- 3.3K
“ Love is the answer. But while you're waiting for the answer, sex brings up some pretty good questions. ”
- Woody Allen- Copy
- 1.4K
“ I know that the whole point—the only point—is to find the things that matter, and hold on to them, and fight for them, and refuse to let them go. ”
- Lauren Oliver- Copy
- 869
“ Security is mostly a superstition. It does not exist in nature, nor do the children of men as a whole experience it. Avoiding danger is no safer in the long run than outright exposure. Life is either a daring adventure, or nothing. ”
- Helen Keller- Copy
- 3K
“ Faith is taking the first step even when you can’t see the whole staircase. ”
- Martin Luther King- Copy
- 3.7K
“ The New England conscience doesn't keep you from doing what you shouldn't-it just keeps you from enjoying it. ”
- Cleveland Amory- Copy
- 3.6K
“ I marinate my life in gratitude, creativity and love. What about you? ”
- Francis Shenstone- Copy
- 3.5K
“ Only put off until tomorrow what you are willing to die having left undone. ”
- Pablo Picasso- Copy
- 3.1K