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“ Your dream is a reality that is waiting for you to materialize. Today is a new day! Don’t let your history interfere with your destiny! Learn from your past so that it can empower your present and propel you to greatness ”
- Steve Maraboli- Copy
- 1.6K
“ It takes courage to be honest and to work, while others play, cheat, sponge like parasites or are idle. There is value in the work that you choose to do, and you are an innately valuable person. ”
- Zita Steele- Copy
- 3.3K
“ As powerful as your genetic combination is in determining the outcome of your life, your decisions are more powerful. You will ultimately look like your decisions. ”
- Kingsley Opuwari Manuel- Copy
“ It is that we are never so defenseless against suffering as when we love, never so helplessly unhappy as when we have lost our loved object or its love. ”
- Sigmund Freud- Copy
- 2K
“ My mission in life is not merely to survive, but to thrive; and to do so with some passion, some compassion, some humor, and some style. ”
- Maya Angelou- Copy
- 2K
“ If you are happy with the person you are becoming, and you can understand that the journey is long and the processes are slow; you are on the right track no matter what your current situation is. ”
- Joshua Lynott- Copy
- 560
“ I thought it (love) meant like you hold out your hand and someone takes it, holds it hard, and pulls you safe from the river. You talk. You tell him bits of yourself. You say here's where I hurt and you give it to him and he holds it and gives you where he hurts in return and you hold it and that's how you learn to love. ”
- Elizabeth George- Copy
- 3.8K
“ The two most important days in your life are the day you are born and the day you find out why ”
- Mark Twain- Copy
- 30
“ Our own selfesteem is something we can actually twist in whatever way we want. ”
- Stephen Richards- Copy
- 3.8K
“ If you fuel your journey on the opinions of others, you are going to run out of gas. ”
- Steve Maraboli- Copy
- 1.1K
“ True Love is not something that will ever happen in an instant....because the summary of our lives is not in an instant. Love at First sight is just infatuation. True Love.....is like a fine wine. It has layers upon layers of depth and flavor, all of which gets better if it is aged and cared for correctly. True Love is the gradual deep understanding of your Spouse, and a spiritual empathy towards them. As they get older, and change, you eagerly continue to turn pages of your lives together, studying and empathizing with a person that you do not need to be defensive or suspicious of. ”
- sangeeta mann- Copy
- 3K
“ Now, I return to this young fellow. And the communication I have got to make is, that he has great expectations. ”
- Charles Dickens- Copy
- 3.8K
“ To lovers out there… I have realized that even thou I can cook for myself . I can drive myself, and I can do lot of things for myself. It is always nice to be driven . I enjoyed food been coked by someone and its always nice when someone does the things for me. It is the same with Love. You can love yourself , but the best Love is when you get it from someone . When someone loves you back, even when you can love yourself. ”
- De philosopher DJ Kyos- Copy
- 734
“ Her footprints are leaving green marks on the desert heart of mine ”
- Ismaaciil C. Ubax- Copy
- 303
“ The most successful men in the end are those whose success is the result of steady accretion. ”
- Alexander Graham Bell- Copy
- 2.2K
“ What we have once enjoyed we can never lose. All that we love deeply becomes a part of us. ”
- Helen Keller- Copy
- 2.7K
“ Buy a pup and your money will buy Love unflinching that cannot lie. ”
- Rudyard Kipling- Copy
- 474