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“ In the deepest hour of the night, confess to yourself that you would die if you were forbidden to write. And look deep into your heart where it spreads its roots, the answer, and ask yourself, must I write? ”
- Rainer Maria Rilke- Copy
- 3K
“ My mission in life is not merely to survive, but to thrive; and to do so with some passion, some compassion, some humor, and some style. ”
- Maya Angelou- Copy
- 2K
“ He made me feel the infinite number of feelings, In which I lost myself. ”
- Luffina Lourduraj- Copy
- 77
“ I thought it (love) meant like you hold out your hand and someone takes it, holds it hard, and pulls you safe from the river. You talk. You tell him bits of yourself. You say here's where I hurt and you give it to him and he holds it and gives you where he hurts in return and you hold it and that's how you learn to love. ”
- Elizabeth George- Copy
- 3.8K
“ Nothing can bring a real sense of security into the home except true love. ”
- Billy Graham- Copy
- 3.7K
“ If you fuel your journey on the opinions of others, you are going to run out of gas. ”
- Steve Maraboli- Copy
- 1.1K
“ I try to avoid looking forward or backward, and try to keep looking upward. ”
- Charlotte Bronte- Copy
- 3.1K
“ Life is good! It is only our thoughts, choices and actions towards the situations we meet in life each moment of time that makes life look bad! The same bad situation in life that makes one person think badly inspires another to do a noble thing! The same good situation in life that makes one person feel so good to get into a bad situation inspires another person to create another good situation because of the good situation. It is all about thoughts, choices and actions! Life is good! Live it well! ”
- Ernest Agyemang Yeboah- Copy
“ You must learn to let go. Release the stress. You were never in control anyway. ”
- Steve Maraboli- Copy
- 461
“ I think that I shall never see A poem lovely as a tree. A tree whose hungry mouth is pressed Against the earth's sweet flowing breast; A tree that looks at God all day And lifts her leafy arms to pray; A tree that may in summer wear A nest of robins in her hair; Upon whose bosom snow has lain; Who intimately lives with rain. Poems are made by fools like me, But only God can make a tree. ”
- Joyce Kilmer- Copy
- 3.1K
“ Music is love, love is music, music is life, and I love my life. Thank you and good night. ”
- A. J. McLean- Copy
- 3.5K
“ If our love isn't written in the stars, Why the very moment we truly locked eyes for the first time does one fly straight by. There's something to be said about twinsouls and meeting eye to eye, the soul ignites its fire for the very first time. ”
- Nikki Rowe- Copy
- 3.6K
“ Don't worry when people only bring up your past. It's only because your present and future looks brighter and better than theirs ”
- Kimberking- Copy
- 3.3K
“ Leaders in OVER their heads is the mere result of getting ahead of their intended SEASON. ”
- John Paul Warren- Copy
- 3.2K
“ I felt overwhelmed. I didn’t expect a first kiss to be so…life altering. In a few brief moments, the rule book of my universe had been rewritten. Suddenly I was a brand new person. I was as fragile as a newborn, but instead of the doctor placing me in my mother’s arms, he’d put me in Ren’s. What would Ren do with me? Would he draw me near, soothe me, and teach me about this new world or would he reject me and tell the doctor there must be some mistake. There was no way to know. What a breakable and delicate thing a heart was, no wonder I’d kept mine locked away. ”
- Colleen Houck- Copy
- 2.7K
“ I love the Lord, for he heard my voice; he heard my cry for mercy. Because he turned his ear to me, I will call on him as long as I live. (Psalms 116:12 NIV) ”
- Anonymous- Copy
- 3.1K
“ Changing a Habit is Never Difficult. Difficult is to Address Your Unwillingness to do it ”
- Vineet Raj Kapoor- Copy
- 2.5K
“ An early. morning walk is a blessing for the whole day. ”
- Henry David Thoreau- Copy
- 3.8K
“ The highest function of love is that it makes the loved one a unique and irreplaceable being. ”
- Tom Robbins- Copy
- 1K