Quotes of Gustave Flaubert


One can be the master of what one does, but never of what one feels.

- Gustave Flaubert

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“ We will either find a way, or make one. ”

- Hannibal

“ Your dream should always be greater than your grievances ”

- Aadarsh Singh

“ Learn the rules so you know how to break them properly. ”

- Dalai Lama

“ If you care about someone enough, you’ll always be there for them no matter what. ”

- Roy T. Bennett

“ In the waltz of the leaves in the air In the features of the playful clouds In the nostalgia carried by the wind In Paris alone, I save your love (fragment from Your presence “partout”, chapter Hope) ”

- Claudia Pavel

“ Hmm…now that I think about it, housecats are often coddled and petted. You don’t pet me nearly enough. You must be a lax owner. How selfish of you to deprive your cat of attention. ”

- Colleen Houck

“ The key to success is not through achievement but through enthusiasm. ”

- Malcolm Forbes

“ Family where life begins & love never ends. ”

- Unknown

“ Meditation is a way for nourishing and blossoming the divinity within you. ”

- Amit Ray

“ You lose nothing when fighting for a cause ... In my mind the losers are those who don't have a cause they care about. ”

- Muhammad Ali

“ It's all a conundrum, isn't it— forgetting the mixed tape in the car... feeling forgotten when... so many people are thinking of us? Drinking when we should be eating... sleeping when we should be making love... thanking God above when we don't have enough? Each day is a mad rush to something irrelevant. We measure our pricelessness by our successes, which... still equals money. Life goes by so quick when each day is a mad rush to slow motion. We eat fast food so that we can go to bed on time, but, trust me, everyone wakes up too late. ”

- Heather Angelika Dooley

“ Unless you love someone, nothing else makes sense. ”

- e.e. cummings

“ Looks like to me we all begin and end in the same place. Perhaps we could love each other a little bit more along the way. ”

- Clyde Lee Dennis

“ She believed she could so she did. ”

- Unknown

“ Life is good! It is only our thoughts, choices and actions towards the situations we meet in life each moment of time that makes life look bad! The same bad situation in life that makes one person think badly inspires another to do a noble thing! The same good situation in life that makes one person feel so good to get into a bad situation inspires another person to create another good situation because of the good situation. It is all about thoughts, choices and actions! Life is good! Live it well! ”

- Ernest Agyemang Yeboah

“ The past can't hurt you anymore. Not unless you let it. They made you into a victim, Evey. They made you into a statistic. But, that's not the real you. That's not who you are inside. ”

- Alan Moore

“ Now, I return to this young fellow. And the communication I have got to make is, that he has great expectations. ”

- Charles Dickens

“ I just...I just miss him. And I hate being so alone. ”

- Suzanne Collins

“ Love touched her heart, and lo! It beats high, and burns with such brave hearts. ”

- Richard Crawshaw

“ We cannot face up to what lies ahead, without facing up to what lies within. ”

- Eleesha

“ Spend the afternoon, you can't take it with you. ”

- Annie Dillard

“ Eventually you will come to understand that love heals everything, and love is all there is. ”

- Gary Zukav

“ True love comes quietly, without banners or flashing lights. If you hear bells, get your ears checked. ”

- Erich Segal

“ Life is never made unbearable by circumstances, but only by lack of meaning and purpose. ”

- Victor Frankl